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Leith Wheeler Core Bond Fund Series F (0P0000709U)

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Leith Wheeler Core Bond Fund Series B dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
10,151 +0,010    +0,09%
24/05 - Chiuso. Valuta in CAD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 252,3M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Canada
Emittente:  Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
Leith Wheeler Core Bond Fund Series B 10,151 +0,010 +0,09%

0P0000709U Panoramica

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Canadian Fixed Income

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Indirizzo Suite 1500
Vancouver,BC V6C 3A6
Telefono 604 683 3391
Fax 604 683 0323

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Ryan Goulding Portfolio Manager 2016 Adesso
Biografia Ryan joined Leith Wheeler’s team in 2016 from Philips, Hager and North (PH&N). In addition, Ryan brings 10 years’ experience managing inflation-linked bonds. Prior to his roles at investment management firms, Ryan was a fixed income market maker with Merrill Lynch in Toronto where he also spent time in debt syndication. With a focus on government and provincial issuers, as well as duration and curve positioning, Ryan contributes to fixed income alpha strategies across portfolios at Leith Wheeler. Ryan earned a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and MBA from McMaster University.
Sean Greenhalgh Analyst 2015 Adesso
Biografia Sean joined Leith Wheeler's Fixed Income group in July of 2015. He spent the last 3 years working in Fixed Income Sales & Trading for RBC Capital Markets in Toronto and Vancouver. At Leith Wheeler, Sean assists in the day to day management of client portfolios as well as interest rate and credit analysis, and trading. Sean is a graduate of Cornell University, and holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Dhruv Mallick Credit Analyst 2015 Adesso
Biografia Dhruv Mallick joined Leith Wheeler in January 2015 as a credit analyst, focusing on both investment grade and high yield credit. Dhruv has over 15 years of investment experience in credit markets. He previously managed U.S. high yield and investment grade credit portfolios at both CQS in London and Barclays Global Investors/Blackrock in San Francisco. Dhruv also worked as a credit analyst at Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) in Newport Beach.
Ben Homsy Portfolio Manager 2014 Adesso
Biografia Ben Homsy is a Portfolio Manager at Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel, specializing in fixed income. Ben joined Leith Wheeler in August 2014, with over 15 years of experience spanning three continents. Prior to joining Leith Wheeler, Ben was an Executive Director at J.P. Morgan Chase, where he was responsible for the Institutional FX Sales business for West Coast USA and Western Canada whilst based in San Francisco (2012-2013), and also ran J.P. Morgan’s European currency hedge fund sales whilst based in London (2009-2012).
Jim Gilliland Head of Fixed Income 2009 Adesso
Biografia Jim grew up in British Columbia and earned his Bachelor of Commerce degree (Honours) from the University of British Columbia. Jim has extensive investment experience in Canadian and U.S. fixed income markets through his time at HSBC Asset Management/M.K. Wong & Associates in Vancouver (1993-2001) and Barclays Global Investors (BGI) in San Francisco (2002-2009). After his work at HSBC, Jim earned his Master’s degree in Financial Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
Eric Lam Analyst 2008 Adesso
Biografia Eric joined Leith Wheeler from TD Bank in January 2009. He has been in the investment industry since 1993 and spent the last 10 years trading a proprietary bank portfolio of credit default swaps, investment grade and high yield bonds for TD in New York and London. Prior to that he was with RBC Dominion Securities in Toronto where he was involved in trading Canadian Mortgage-Backed securities products, global interest rates and foreign exchange. Eric covers financial credits and works on economic forecasts and portfolio strategy.
Alexei Konopkine Analyst 2005 Adesso
Biografia Alexei joined Leith Wheeler’s Fixed Income group in March of 2005. He graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance. As a member of the fixed income team, Alexei is involved in portfolio risk analysis, interest rate strategies, economic forecasting and development of fixed income software applications. Alexei holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a member of CFA Vancouver.
Catherine Heath Analyst 2000 Adesso
Biografia Catherine joined Leith Wheeler’s Fixed Income group after graduating from Simon Fraser University with a joint Bachelors Degree in Finance and Economics. As part of the Fixed Income team, she is responsible for the strategy, trading, and analysis of fixed income portfolios for both pension and private clients. She is also a Portfolio Manager on many of our customized fixed income portfolios. Catherine sits on the Capilano University Foundation board, is a founder of the Vancouver chapter of Women in Capital Markets.
Rabbie Gill Portfolio manager 2010 2016
Biografia Mr. Gill is the lead portfolio manager for the Inhance Bond and Money Market funds. Mr Gill has nine years of capital markets experience. Prior to joining Inhance, Mr. Gill worked as a Treasury Analyst and Associate Portfolio Manager with Vancity Credit Union group of companies. Mr. Gill holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a graduate of Simon Fraser University with a Masters in Business Administraion, and a joint Major Bachelor degree in Finance & Economics.
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