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Capital Creation 2016

Organizzatore:  WBR Ltd
Inizio: 19.09.2016 02:00
Fine: 21.09.2016 02:00
Le Meridien Beach Plaza, Monte Carlo,
Prezzo: Visit Site - 15% Discount (description below)
Telefono: +44 (0) 207 368 9540
capital creation

Capital Creation Is The Annual Event For European Private Equity Professionals Looking To Find And Debate Specialist Investment Strategies For Maximum Returns.

Attracting 300 qualified European private equity investors and fund mangers, Capital Creation offers critical analysis and off-the-record data on Europe’s private equity landscape and future investment opportunities.

Find new deal opportunities, managers that offer true value, and fund restructuring solutions with 80 expert speakers across 60 bespoke presentations and small-group formats.

15% Discount (description below)
 (Discount of a 15% using the code INVESTINGCC15)   
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