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Next Gen CX for Financial Services

Organizzatore:  WBR Ltd
Inizio: 17.07.2017 02:00
Fine: 19.07.2017 02:00
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel,
Stati Uniti
Prezzo: Visit Site
Telefono: +1 (888) 482.6012
Evento CXFS

The Event for CX Innovators in Finance

What is CXFS?

Customer Experience for Financial Services (CXFS) is where America's most innovative financial services customer experience professionals meet and learn. 

Who Attends CXFS?

The worlds leading financial institutions will be in Boston this July

Why attend CXFS? 

Get inspired
Our speakers are some of the greatest customer experience thought leaders alive today. They will shift your paradigms, challenge your assumptions, and spark new insights. 

Make New Friends
Customer experience is a close-knit community of innovators. Meet new friends, trade business cards, and make the connections that will accelerate your career. 

Learn more. Faster.
We’re only human: long presentations put us to sleep. Our speakers have just 20 minutes to pack in as much discovery, innovation, data, and actionable insight as possible.
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