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Nationwide Nyse Arca Tech 100 Index Fund Class A (NWJCX)

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132,56 +1,17    +0,89%
02/07 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 438,03M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  Nationwide
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Nationwide Ziegler NYSEArcaTech100 A 132,56 +1,17 +0,89%

NWJCX Panoramica

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Large Growth

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Indirizzo One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus,OH 43215
United States
Telefono +1 8008480920

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Marlene Walker-Smith Director 2020 Adesso
Biografia Marlene is head of equity index portfolio management. She leads the team of equity index portfolio managers managing US and non-US equity index portfolios and is responsible for the refinement and implementation of the entire equity index portfolio management process. Previously, Marlene served as a senior portfolio manager within the equity index team and prior to joining the equity index team was an equity trader for the firm. Prior to joining the firm in 1995, Marlene was a trader for Banc One Investment Advisors Corporation and a brokerage services manager for Mid Atlantic Capital Corporation. Marlene has been in the investment industry since 1990. Marlene earned an MBA in finance from the University of Pittsburgh and a BA in history and Russian from Washington & Jefferson College.
David France Portfolio Manager 2020 Adesso
Biografia Mr. France is a vice president and senior portfolio manager at Mellon. He has been employed by Mellon or a predecessor company since 2009.
Todd Frysinger Portfolio Manager 2020 Adesso
Biografia Todd is a senior portfolio manager and team leader in the equity index portfolio management group. He manages and leads a team of portfolio managers responsible for US and non-US equity index portfolios. Prior to joining the firm in 2007, Todd served as assistant portfolio manager for Mellon Financial Corporation’s Corporate Treasury group, managing fixed income investment portfolios. Todd has been in the investment industry since 1996. Todd holds the CFA® designation and is a member of CFA Institute and CFA Society Pittsburgh. He earned an MS in finance from Boston College and a BS in finance and management from Elizabethtown College.
Vlasta Sheremeta Portfolio Manager 2020 Adesso
Biografia Vlasta is a senior portfolio manager and team manager in the equity index portfolio management group. She manages and leads a team of portfolio managers responsible for US and non-US equity index portfolios. Prior to joining the firm in 2011, she provided trade execution support to the FX trading desk at BNY Mellon. Vlasta has been in the investment industry since 2010. Vlasta earned an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh. She holds the CFA® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Pittsburgh.
Michael Stoll Portfolio Manager 2020 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Stoll is a vice president and senior portfolio manager at Mellon. He has been employed by Mellon or a predecessor company since 2005.
Thomas J. Durante Managing Director 2020 2021
Biografia Mr. Thomas J. Durante, CFA, a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager, Equity Portfolio Management, has been with Mellon Capital since January 2000. Mr. Durante heads a team of portfolio managers covering domestic and international index portfolios. Prior to joining Mellon Capital, Mr. Durante worked in the fund accounting department for The Dreyfus Corporation. Mr. Durante attained the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Mr. Durante graduated with a B.A. in Accounting from Fairfield University and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Pittsburgh.
Richard A. Brown Managing Director 2020 2021
Biografia Richard A. Brown, CFA Managing Director, Co-Head of Equity Index - Portfolio Management Richard is co-head of equity index portfolio management. He leads a team of portfolio managers covering domestic and international equity indexing portfolios and is responsible for the refinement and implementation of the equity index portfolio management process. Richard earned an MBA from California State University at Hayward. He holds the CFA® designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of San Francisco.
Karen Q. Wong Managing Director 2020 2021
Biografia Karen Wong, CFA Managing Director, Head of Index - Portfolio Management Karen is the head of index portfolio management. She is responsible for overseeing equity and fixed income indexing and beta strategies, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Karen developed and launched the Carbon Efficiency strategy in 2014, the firm’s first green beta product. Prior to the merger, Karen was the head of equity portfolio management at Mellon Capital, responsible for equity index portfolio management.
Christian J. Greiner - 2018 2020
Biografia Christian J. Greiner, CFA, has been an active partner with the Azzad portfolio management team for over 10 years. Christian joined Ziegler in 2003 as an Equity Analyst. Currently, he is a Portfolio Manager who provides fundamental research across all sectors and participates in the decision making process for stock selection. He has a substantial role in the quantitative research effort, contributing to the stock scoring model research. He has been responsible for developing a system that aggregates investment community sentiment towards individual stocks, and in the past has worked on quantitative tax-effective investment strategies, as well as long-short and other specialized strategies for the firm. Christian holds a B.S. in Finance from DePaul University, as well as an MBA from the University of Chicago. Christian earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, and is a member of the CFA Society of Chicago. Prior to joining the firm, he held positions with Checkfree Investment Services and Northern Trust.
Donald J. Nesbitt Senior Portfolio Manager 2002 2020
Biografia Don Nesbitt is the Chief Investment Officer for the ZCM Equity Group at ZCM. Don joined the firm in early 2002 after having spent nearly four years at Qwest Communication’s pension plan in Denver, Colorado, where he managed $6 billion of equities using quantitative approaches that exploit behavioral anomalies. Prior to joining Qwest, Don spent nine years at the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System where, as Chief Investment Officer, he was responsible for the management of $20 billion across various asset classes. Don has instructed investment courses at the University of Illinois–Springfield and has spoken at numerous industry conferences on the topics of enhanced equity management and derivative investment strategies. Don received his M.S. in Financial Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and holds a B.S. in economics from Saint Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. He is a CFA® charterholder and a member of CFA Institute and CFA Society Wisconsin.
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