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After the Bell London

Organizzatore:  The Mankoff Company
Inizio: 28.04.2016 02:00
Fine: 28.04.2016 02:00
5 Curzon Street, Mayfair,
Gran Bretagna
Prezzo: Visit Site
Telefono: +1-347-463-9551
Email: info@themankoffcompany.com

2016 brings continued interest and investment in blockchain - its technology and applications. After much theoretical discussion over the past year, NOW is the time for bringing some of these POC (Proof of Concept) ideas to fruition. 

But what will this mean to the markets and where is the development of blockchain technology going to have its greatest impact?
Bringing together leading experts, investors, banks and others, this  session once again allows for the highest level of discussion with experts in the industry. 

Our April program brings together lively thought, creative insight and the opportunity to network and engage with leading lights and colleagues who are working with Blockchain and uncovering new opportunities and applications.

These events are not live streamed or recorded so to get the most out of this panel of experts, be there!
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