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Dpam Invest B - Equities World Dividend E Eur Dis (0P0000W735)

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DPAM INVEST B Equities World Dividend E Distributi dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
0,022 0,000    0,00%
04/02 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in EUR ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 29,8M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Belgio
Emittente:  Degroof Petercam Asset Management S.A.
ISIN:  BE6228799415 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
DPAM INVEST B Equities World Dividend E Distributi 0,022 0,000 0,00%

0P0000W735 Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Dpam Invest B - Equities World Dividend E Eur Dis. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P0000W735, ed altre informazioni.

Global Equity Income

Asset totali




Data di lancio


Strategia di investimento

Obiettivo del fondo è offrire, tramite una gestione attiva del portafoglio, un'esposizione ai titoli di capitale di imprese di tutto il mondo che offrono un rendimento più elevato rispetto alla media del mercato. Il fondo investe principalmente (senza alcuna limitazione settoriale di qualsivoglia natura) in azioni e/o altri titoli che danno accesso al capitale di imprese di tutto il mondo e che generano un rendimento in termini di dividendo, o un rendimento previsto in termini di dividendo, più elevato rispetto alla media del mercato (rappresentata dall'indice MSCI World (indice ponderato in funzione soprattutto delle capitalizzazioni borsistiche e finalizzato a misurare la performance del mercato dei capitali dei paesi sviluppati)).

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo rue Guimard 16-18
Bruxelles, 1040
Telefono +32 2 287 99 01

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Laurent van Tuyckom Portfolio Manager 2016 Adesso
Biografia Laurent Van Tuyckom has been working for the Healthcare team within ING IM since 2000 and is the Investment Manager of the European Healthcare fund. He previously worked for two years as a financial advisor at Deutsche Bank Belgium. He holds a degree in Commercial Sciences (ICHEC, Belgium) and a degree in International Relations from UCL University.
Alexander Roose lead Manager 2016 2019
Biografia Alexander Roose is the lead manager of the new Petercam Agrivalue fund. Alexander joined Petercam in September 2006. Prior to that, he managed his own hedge fund for almost two years (involved in the long part of the fund). Before that, he worked for several years at Strategus where he was responsible for fundamental research on equities. During both periods, he analysed and invested in the agricultural sector. Since joining Petercam, Alexander has been an idea provider for several of Petercam's equity funds. Firstly, he has has been providing a lot of interesting ideas for the Petercam Energy & Resources fund. Some of these stockpicks were partially related to the agribusiness sector such as fertilizer companies. Secondly, he has been co-managing the Petercam Opportunity fund during the past year where he has contributed by proposing a number of stockpicks which have done very well. For both of these funds, some of his best picks have been agriculture-related equities.
Ignace de Coene - 2014 2016
Alexander Roose lead Manager 2014 2015
Biografia Alexander Roose is the lead manager of the new Petercam Agrivalue fund. Alexander joined Petercam in September 2006. Prior to that, he managed his own hedge fund for almost two years (involved in the long part of the fund). Before that, he worked for several years at Strategus where he was responsible for fundamental research on equities. During both periods, he analysed and invested in the agricultural sector. Since joining Petercam, Alexander has been an idea provider for several of Petercam's equity funds. Firstly, he has has been providing a lot of interesting ideas for the Petercam Energy & Resources fund. Some of these stockpicks were partially related to the agribusiness sector such as fertilizer companies. Secondly, he has been co-managing the Petercam Opportunity fund during the past year where he has contributed by proposing a number of stockpicks which have done very well. For both of these funds, some of his best picks have been agriculture-related equities.
Koen Bosquet - 2014 2015
Moudy El Khodr in charge 2011 2014
Biografia Moudy El Khodr has been in charge of the belgian funds (including the Belgian High Dividend Fund) since he entered ING IM in 2001. Prior to this he was an equity fund manager at Banque Générale du Luxembourg (BGL). He started his career at the Belgian stock exchange (now Euronext Brussels) in the study & statistical department. Moudy holds a degree in Economics and is a European Certified Financial Analyst.
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