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Mese | Ultimo | Var. | Apertura | Massimo | Minimo | Volume | Ora | Grafici | |
Mar 25 | 115-18s | -0-24 | 116-05 | 116-13 | 114-25 | 396831 | 01/10/25 | Q / C / O | |
Jun 25 | 115-14s | -0-24 | 115-01 | 115-14 | 114-24 | 4 | 01/10/25 | Q / C / O | |
Sep 25 | 116-20s | -0-24 | 116-20 | 116-20 | 116-20 | 0 | 01/10/25 | Q / C / O |
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