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Banca Nazionale della Bielorussia
The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is the central bank of Belarus, located in the capital city, Minsk. The bank was created in 1922 under the name of... |
7,75% | Bielorussia | |
Banca Centrale della Bolivia
The Central Bank of Bolivia (Spanish: Banco Central de Bolivia) is responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of banknotes. The bank was established by Law 632,... |
0,86% | Bolivia | |
Banca Centrale della Bosnia ed Erzegovina
The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in accordance with the Law adopted at the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 June 1997. The Central... |
0% | Bosnia-Erzegovina | |
Banca del Botswana
The mission of the Bank of Botswana is to contribute to the sound economic and financial well-being of the country. The Bank seeks to promote and maintain: * monetary... |
3,75% | Botswana | |
Banca Centrale del Brasile
La Banca Centrale del Brasile è la più alta autorità monetaria brasiliana ed è l’organismo governativo che si occupa di finanza ed economia. È stata fondata il 31... |
12,25% | Brasile | |
Autorità Monetaria del Brunei
BCMB was established on 1st February 2004 pursuant to Section 3(1) of the Currency and Monetary Order, 2004 which was formally known as Brunei Currency Board (BCB), which... |
0% | Brunei | |
Banca Nazionale Bulgara
The Bulgarian National Bank is the central bank of the Republic of Bulgaria and one of the oldest central banks in the world, established on 25 January 1879. The BNB is... |
0,01% | Bulgaria | |
Banca della repubblica del Burundi
The Bank of the Republic of Burundi is the central bank of Burundi. The bank was established in 1966 and its offices are in Bujumbura. |
0% | Burundi | |
Banca Nazionale della Cambogia
The National Bank of Cambodia, located in Phnom Penh, is the central bank of Cambodia. The Bank's duties include the management of monetary and exchange policies, the... |
0% | Cambogia | |
Banca del Canada
La Banca del Canada (in francese: Banque du Canada) è la banca centrale canadese. È stata fondata con il Bank of Canada Act del 1934 per “promuovere il benessere... |
3,25% | Canada |