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6th Annual Mexico Investors Forum

Organizzatore:  Markets Group
Inizio: 08.11.2016 01:00
Fine: 08.11.2016 01:00
Paseo de la Reforma 465, Cuauhtémoc,
Mexico City,
Prezzo: Visit Site
Telefono: +1 646 216-9489
Email: Gerlim.Delacruz@marketsgroup.org
MEXICO Investors

The Mexico Investors Forum is geared towards the educational needs of Mexico's largest institutional investors (over $190 billion in AUM) and family offices.

Over the course of the one day summit, more than 300 local and global private pension funds, foundations, endowments and family offices will gather to hear insight from over 80 expert speakers discussing global equities, fixed income, regulation, private equity, hedge funds, commodity strategies and exchange traded funds.

Markets Group provides a due diligence platform to explore and discuss trends and opportunities in global alternatives such as hedge funds, private equity and real assets, as well as new-found opportunities and portfolio construction in equities, fixed income and ETFs.

Similarly, the program hosts US & European pension funds, foundations and endowments for discussions of investing in Mexico and fosters a comparative look at institutional portfolio construction.
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