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The 6th Annual Green Investing Conference

Organizzatore:  Information Management Network
Inizio: 18.04.2018 08:00
Fine: 18.04.2018 17:15
Marriott New York Downtown,
New York,
Stati Uniti
Prezzo: Visit Site
Telefono: (212) 901-0506
Email: mmassiah@imn.org
Green event INM

IMN's 6th Annual Green Investing Conference will take place April 18, 2018 in New York City. This event will expand upon its roots in commercial and residential solar to delve deeper into the PACE and green bonds sectors. The program will explore the latest developments in PACE programs, and even the potential for PACE expansion overseas. We will also take a deep dive into the concept of a ‘green bond’, including how and when the label is applied and which issuers are seeking the label.

Given this expanded reach and coverage, we are expecting the 2018 gathering to grow even larger as green investing and improved solar, PACE, and green issuer access to capital becomes a priority amid global action.

Securitization will serve as the catalyst to propel green financing forward, and to help realize important global environmental goals. This event is a must attend for those seeking to meet the key stakeholders and leaders who are at the very heart of this movement.

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