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Ab - Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio I Acc (LP65058097)

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AB FCP I - Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio I Acc dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
94,830 -0,030    -0,03%
28/05 - Chiuso. Valuta in SGD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 507,22M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Singapore
Emittente:  AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0289937145 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
AB FCP I - Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio I Acc 94,830 -0,030 -0,03%

LP65058097 Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Ab - Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio I Acc. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di LP65058097, ed altre informazioni.

Azionari Paesi Emergenti

Asset totali




Data di lancio


Strategia di investimento

Il fondo si propone di conseguire la rivalutazione del capitale nel lungo periodo investendo in un portafoglio globale di titoli azionari ripartiti su regioni geografiche particolari, selezionate in base al loro potenziale di crescita. La selezione dei titoli èbasata sulla ricerca ed è effettuata da team regionali con sede locale. Ogni team di ricerca mira a identificare le opportunità di maggiore crescita all’interno di ogni regione. Si ritiene che i titoli selezionati per il Fondo rappresentino la combinazione ottimale tra potenziale di crescita, attrattiva delle quotazioni e qualità del management.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo One International Finance Centre
Hong Kong, L-2453
Hong Kong
Telefono +352 46 39 36 151

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Ivan Kim Vice President 2024 Adesso
Biografia Vice President of the Manager, with which he has been associated since 2022. Prior to joining the Manager in 2022, he served as head of technology, media and telecom equity research at Xtellus Capital Partners.
Sergey Davalchenko Research Analyst 2012 2024
Biografia Sergey Davalchenko has been a Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Growth since March 2012. He also served as a portfolio manager on the International Large Cap Growth team from 2011 to early 2017. Before joining AB in 2011, Davalchenko was a senior international analyst at Global Currents Investment Management, a subsidiary of Legg Mason. Prior to that, he worked as a portfolio manager at Fenician Capital Management, where he was a partner. Early in his career, Davalchenko specialized in international equities in various analyst and portfolio-management roles for the State of Wisconsin Investment Board and Oppenheimer Capital. He holds a BS in finance from the University of Wisconsin. Location: New York
Guojia Zhang Investment Analyst 2014 2022
Biografia Guojia Zhang was named Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Growth in July 2014. He also manages the India Growth Portfolio. Zhang joined AB in 2011 as a research analyst from Delaware Investments, where he covered Asia and Latin America as a generalist for the Global Emerging Markets strategy from 2006 to 2011. From 2003 to 2006, he worked as an investment analyst at K Capital Partners and Evergreen Investments. From 2001 to 2003, Zhang was an associate analyst responsible for conducting sell-side equity research at Commerce Capital Markets. He holds a BS in economics with concentrations in finance and management from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and is a CFA charterholder. Zhang is fluent in Mandarin Chinese. Location: Hong Kong
Laurent Saltiel Senior Vice President 2012 2022
Biografia Laurent Saltiel has been Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Growth since March 2012. He also served as chief investment officer of International Large Cap Growth from 2010 to early 2017. Prior to joining AB in 2010, Saltiel spent eight years at Janus Capital, where he most recently led several international and global growth portfolios. Before that, he worked as a research analyst covering the materials and consumer sectors, as well as a broad range of stocks in Brazil and India. Saltiel was previously a research analyst at RS Investments, where he covered technology and healthcare. Prior to entering the investment business, he spent seven years as a marketing executive at Michelin, where he held full-time roles in Japan, Mexico and his native France. Saltiel holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP) and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Location: New York
Sergey Davalchenko Research Analyst 2012 2015
Biografia Sergey Davalchenko has been a Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Growth since March 2012. He also served as a portfolio manager on the International Large Cap Growth team from 2011 to early 2017. Before joining AB in 2011, Davalchenko was a senior international analyst at Global Currents Investment Management, a subsidiary of Legg Mason. Prior to that, he worked as a portfolio manager at Fenician Capital Management, where he was a partner. Early in his career, Davalchenko specialized in international equities in various analyst and portfolio-management roles for the State of Wisconsin Investment Board and Oppenheimer Capital. He holds a BS in finance from the University of Wisconsin. Location: New York
Vadim Zlotnikov Chief Investment Strategist 2011 2015
Biografia Vadim Zlotnikov is Chief Market Strategist, Co-Head of Multi-Asset Solutions and Chief Investment Officer for Systematic and Index Strategies. As Chief Market Strategist, he provides macro and quantitative research that helps identify thematic investment opportunities. As Co-Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, Zlotnikov manages the development and implementation of integrated investment portfolios for the retirement, institutional and retail markets. As CIO for Systematic and Index Strategies, he is responsible for ensuring that individual products meet investment objectives. Zlotnikov served as CIO of Growth Equities from 2008 to 2010. From 2002 to 2008, he was chief investment strategist, responsible for developing portfolio recommendations for the US market and for separate quantitative analysis and money-management research products. Prior to that, he was an analyst covering the PC and semiconductor industries; he launched the technology strategy product in 1996. Before joining the firm in 1992, Zlotnikov spent six years as a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, where he conducted a broad range of strategic and operational studies for technology companies. He also worked for Amoco Technology Company as a director of electronic ventures and spent two years as a research engineer with AT&T Bell Laboratories. He has been named to the Institutional Investor All-America Research Team in the semiconductor components, strategy and quantitative research categories. Zlotnikov holds a BS and an MS in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Stanford University. Location: New York
Christopher Toub Executive Vice President 2011 2015
Biografia In September 2010, Christopher M. Toub was appointed Director of Equities, managing value and growth equities. He also continues to be a member of the Global Research Growth, International Research Growth, Global Large Cap Growth, International Large Cap Growth and Japan Growth investment teams. Chris joined Alliance Capital in 1992 as a US Growth portfolio manager, served as director of Global Growth Research from 1998 to 2000, and was CEO of AllianceBernstein Ltd., a London-based, wholly owned subsidiary of AllianceBernstein, from April 2005 to June 2009. He became COO of Growth Products in June 2009. From 1998 through mid-2010, Toub was also the head of Global/International Large Cap Growth Equities. Prior to joining the firm in 1992, he was with Marcus, Schloss & Co., a private investment partnership, working as an analyst and portfolio manager. At that time, he was a member of the New York Stock Exchange, where he was a specialist. Prior to that, Toub worked at Bear Stearns in proprietary trading, and was an assistant treasurer at J.P. Morgan. He holds a BA from Williams College and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Location: New York.
Jean-Francois Van de Walle Senior Vice President 1995 2015
Biografia "Latin America Regional Specialist and Portfolio Manager Jean-Francois Van de Walle joined Alliance Capital in 1991 as a Latin American–equity research analyst. Prior to joining Alliance, he worked at Citibank in Brazil and for a large Latin American industrial conglomerate. Van de Walle holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an MA in international studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Location: New York. "
Stephen Beinhacker CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 1992 2012
Biografia "Chief Investment Officer – Emerging Markets Growth Stephen Beinhacker has been the Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Growth since April 2007. He also serves as a Senior Portfolio Manager on the Global/International Large Cap Growth Portfolio Oversight Groups. Beinhacker joined Alliance Capital in 1992 as the firm’s director of international quantitative stock research and joined the Global/International Large Cap Growth teams in 1994. Prior to joining the firm, he was a vice president in the worldwide equities division of Lehman Brothers. While at business school, Beinhacker worked as a quantitative analyst at Salomon Brothers. He holds a BS from the University Center at Binghamton and an MBA from New York University, and is a CFA charterholder. Location: New York "
Edward D. Baker CEO 1992 2007
Biografia Edward D. Baker is Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Capital Ltd. And Chief Investment Officer of Emerging Markets Equities. He is a member of Alliance Capital's international portfolio management team and co-ordinates the investment activities of Alliance's non-U.S. specialty portfolio teams and joint ventures. Mr. Baker joined Alliance in 1995 and has earned a B.A. from the University of South Florida and an M.A. from the from the University of California. Mr. Baker has 28 years on investment experience.
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