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Axa World Funds - Us High Yield Bonds F Capitalisation Usd (0P00006YJ6)

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289,740 -0,440    -0,15%
01/07 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 2,05B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  AXA Investment Managers Paris
ISIN:  LU0276015533 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
AXA World Funds - US High Yield Bonds F Capitalisa 289,740 -0,440 -0,15%

0P00006YJ6 Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Axa World Funds - Us High Yield Bonds F Capitalisation Usd. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P00006YJ6, ed altre informazioni.

Obbligazionari High Yield USD

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L'obiettivo d'investimento del Comparto è in primo luogo la ricerca di un reddito elevato e in secondo luogo la crescita del capitale, investendo in titoli di debito ad alto rendimento USA su un orizzonte temporale di lungo termine.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo Paseo de la Castellana 93, 6a planta
Madrid,none 28046
Telefono +34 91 406 72 18
Fax +34 91 406 72 01

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Robert J. Houle Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2021 Adesso
Biografia Rob is a Portfolio Manager/ Analyst within the US High Yield team, a role he has held since 2008. In addition to managing core high yield portfolios, he is also responsible for research coverage of the basic industry sector. Rob joined AXA IM in 2005 as a US High Yield Credit Analyst. Before joining AXA IM, he was a Trader for three years on the institutional equity trading desk at Lehman Brothers where he traded energy related stocks. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Psychology from Williams College; and is also a CFA charterholder.
Michael Graham Portfolio Manager 2021 Adesso
Biografia Michael is a Portfolio Manager within the US high yield team in fixed income, responsible for managing core strategies, a role he has held since 2010. In addition, he is responsible for covering the energy sector research, a responsibility he has held since joining AXA IM in 2007. Prior to AXA IM, he was an Analyst for two years in the fixed income division of Bear Stearns, where he performed financial analyses and quantitative support for the Public Power group. Michael holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Williams College; and he is also a CFA charterholder
Carl Whitbeck Head 2011 2021
Biografia Carl Whitbeck, CFA® is the Global Head of High Yield and US Active Fixed Income at AXA IM.. Mr. Whitbeck joined AXA IM in 2002 as a U.S. high yield analyst. Since joining AXA IM, he has served in various capacities within the U.S. High Yield team, including research analyst, head of research as well as portfolio manager for U.S. High Yield portfolios and several Global High Yield portfolios. Prior to joining AXA IM in 2002, Carl was an analyst in the investment banking division of Lehman Brothers, where he performed financial analysis on companies in the consumer and retail sectors, and worked on a variety of M&A and high yield transactions. Carl holds a B.A. from Williams College and has the CFA professional designation.
Robert J. Houle Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2011 2017
Biografia Rob is a Portfolio Manager/ Analyst within the US High Yield team, a role he has held since 2008. In addition to managing core high yield portfolios, he is also responsible for research coverage of the basic industry sector. Rob joined AXA IM in 2005 as a US High Yield Credit Analyst. Before joining AXA IM, he was a Trader for three years on the institutional equity trading desk at Lehman Brothers where he traded energy related stocks. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Psychology from Williams College; and is also a CFA charterholder.
Thomas Kelleher high yield credit Analyst 2006 2011
Biografia "Tom is a senior portfolio manager with AXA IM, with 25 years of fixed income and 19 years of high yield bond market experience. Prior to joining AXA IM in 2001, Tom was a managing director of Cardinal Capital, where he served as high yield portfolio manager/research analyst. Prior to joining Cardinal Capital, Tom was a high yield credit analyst at Deltec Asset Management. Before joining Deltec, Tom was an assistant vice president of Discount Corporation of New York and was responsible for trading U.S. Treasury securities. Tom holds a B.A. from Amherst College. "
Hannah H. Strasser Founder, Co-Head of High Yield Group 2006 2011
Biografia Hannah H. Strasser, CFA, is Managing Director and senior portfolio manager with 34 years of investment experience. Ms. Strasser oversees all aspects of business and investment strategy and has specific responsibility for the Broad High Yield Market strategy, having managed high yield portfolios since 1988. Prior to co-founding SKY Harbor with Tom Kelleher and Anne Yobage in 2011, Ms. Strasser was the Head of US Fixed Income at AXA Investment Managers and senior portfolio manager for the core high yield strategy. Before joining AXA IM in 2001, she was a founder of Cardinal Capital Management and co-head of the High Yield Group from 1995-2001, and a managing director and co-head of the High Yield Group at Deltec Asset Management from 1988-1995 where she also served as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Earlier in her career she was a high yield analyst at Kidder Peabody and an equity and high yield analyst at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette. She holds a BA from Amherst College and is a CFA charterholder.
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