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Artisan Global Value Fund Class I Us Dollar Accumulating Shares (0P0000TXWW)

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36,830 -0,140    -0,38%
13/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 5,34B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Irlanda
Emittente:  Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
ISIN:  IE00B43C0T93 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Artisan Global Value Fund Class I US Dollar Accumu 36,830 -0,140 -0,38%

0P0000TXWW Panoramica

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Azionari Internazionali Large Cap Value

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L'obiettivo d'investimento del Fondo consiste nel conseguire una crescita del capitale in un'ottica di lungo termine investendo prevalentemente in azioni di società quotate in borsa (titoli azionari) e in altre tipologie di investimenti legati a tali azioni (cosiddetti titoli correlati ad azioni).

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo Mercer Street Lower
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Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Michael J McKinnon Senior Consultant 2018 Adesso
Biografia Michael J. McKinnon, CFA, is a managing director of Artisan Partners and a portfolio manager on the Artisan Partners Global Value Team. In this role, he oversees the research process and conducts fundamental research as a generalist. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in February 2010, Mr. McKinnon was a securities analyst at Legg Mason Capital Management for all LMCM funds. Earlier in his career, he was a research analyst for Himalaya Capital, a long/short equity fund affiliated with Tiger Management, and a senior consultant at Arthur Andersen LLP. Mr. McKinnon holds a bachelor's degree in economics and Asian studies from Tufts University, a master's degree in public administration from Harvard Kennedy School and a master's degree in business administration from Columbia Business School.
Daniel J. O'Keefe Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2011 Adesso
Biografia Daniel J. O’Keefe is a managing director of Artisan Partners and founding partner of the Artisan Partners Global Value Team. He is lead portfolio manager of the Artisan Global Value Strategy, which he has managed since its inception in July 2007. Mr. O’Keefe also was co-portfolio manager for the Artisan Non-U.S. Value Strategy from October 2006 through September 2018. During this time, the team was nominated six times for fund management (in 2008, consecutively from 2011-2014, and again in 2016) for Morningstar, Inc.'s International-Stock Fund Manager of the Year award in the US and won the award in 2008 (Non-U.S Value) and in 2013 (Global Value and Non-U.S. Value). Prior to becoming portfolio manager in 2006, Mr. O’Keefe was a research analyst for the Artisan Non-U.S. Value Strategy. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in May 2002, Mr. O'Keefe was an analyst in international equities at Harris Associates LP from July 1997 through May 2002. Preceding his days at Harris Associates, he was an associate in mergers and acquisitions at BancAmerica Securities, and was an analyst with Morningstar, Inc. Mr. O’Keefe holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northwestern University.
Justin V. Bandy Co-Portfolio Manager 2018 2021
Biografia On 11 January 2021, Justin Bandy, co-portfolio manager, announced his retirement from the Global Value team. Justin will remain on the team in an advisory capacity until June 2021 to aid in the smooth transition of his research responsibilities to other members of the investment team.
N. David Samra Managing Director, Portfolio Manager 2011 2018
Biografia N. David Samra is a managing director of Artisan Partners and founding partner of the International Value Group. He is portfolio manager of the Artisan International Value Strategy, which he has managed since the portfolio's inception in July 2002. Mr. Samra also was co-portfolio manager for the Artisan Global Value Strategy from its inception in July 2007 through September 2018. Under Mr. Samra's leadership, the team was nominated six times (in 2008, consecutively from 2011-2014 and again in 2016) for Morningstar, Inc.'s International-Stock Fund Manager of the Year award in the US and won the award in 2008 and 2013. The team was also named EAFE Equity Investment Manager of the Year in 2015 and 2016 by Institutional Investor. Investor's Business Daily has recognized the Artisan International Value Fund four times (consecutively from 2021-2024) as one of the best international stock mutual funds for outperforming the MSCI EAFE index over the last one-, three-, five- and ten-year periods. U.S. Lipper Fund Awards has recognized the team with 10 awards since 2013. Most recently, Artisan International Value (APHKX) was named the best fund in Lipper's International Large-Cap Value Fund category over the three-, five- and ten-year time periods in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, Value Invest awarded Mr. Samra with the Fund Manager Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his accomplishments in the field. Prior to joining Artisan Partners in May 2002, Mr. Samra was a portfolio manager and a senior analyst in international equities at Harris Associates LP from August 1997 through May 2002. Earlier in his career, he was a portfolio manager with Montgomery Asset Management, Global Equities Division. Mr. Samra holds a bachelor's degree in finance from Bentley College and a master's degree in business administration from Columbia Business School.
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