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Blackrock Global Funds - World Bond Fund A2 Usd (0P00001ART)

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82,090 +0,070    +0,09%
20/09 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 63,03M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  BlackRock (Luxembourg) SA
ISIN:  LU0184696937 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
BlackRock Global Funds World Bond Fund A2 USD 82,090 +0,070 +0,09%

0P00001ART Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Blackrock Global Funds - World Bond Fund A2 Usd. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P00001ART, ed altre informazioni.

Obbligazionari Globali USD-Hedged

Asset totali




Data di lancio


Strategia di investimento

Mira a massimizzare il rendimento investendo almeno il 70% in titoli investment grade. Implementa strategie di currency overlay sui dollari USA.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo 6D route de Trèves
Luxembourg, L-2633
Telefono +44 20 77433000
Fax +44 20 77431143

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Russ Brownback Managing Director 2020 Adesso
Biografia Russ Brownback has been Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2009 to 2012 and from 2017 to present; Senior Partner with R3 Capital Partners from 2008 to 2009; Managing Director of Lehman Brothers from 1992 to 2008.
Trevor Slaven Managing Director 2020 Adesso
Biografia Trevor Slaven has been Managing Director of BlackRock, Inc. since 2020; Director of BlackRock, Inc. from 2018 to 2019; Vice President of BlackRock, Inc. from 2015 to 2017; Associate of BlackRock, Inc. from 2010 to 2014.
Rick Rieder CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2018 Adesso
Biografia Rick Rieder, Managing Director, is BlackRock's Global Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, and Co-head of BlackRock's Global Fixed Income platform, a member of BlackRock's Global Operating Committee and Chairman of the BlackRock firm-wide Investment Council. Before joining BlackRock in 2009, Mr. Rieder was President and Chief Executive Officer of R3 Capital Partners. He served as Vice Chairman and member of the Borrowing Committee for the U.S. Treasury. Mr. Rieder is currently a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Investment Advisory Committee on Financial Markets, and was inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Fixed Income Hall of Fame in 2013, and was nominated for Fixed Income Manager of the Year by Institutional Investor for 2014. From 1987 to 2008, Mr. Rieder was with Lehman Brothers, most recently as head of the firm's Global Principal Strategies team, a global proprietary investment platform. He was also global head of the firm's credit businesses, Chairman of the Corporate Bond and Loan Capital Commitment Committee, and a member of the Board of Trustees for the corporate pension fund. Before joining Lehman Brothers, Mr. Rieder was a credit analyst at SunTrust Banks in Atlanta. Mr. Rieder earned a BBA degree in Finance from Emory University in 1983 and an MBA degree from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1987. He is a member of the board of Emory University, Emory's Business School, and the University's Investment Committee and is the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee. Mr. Rieder is founder and chairman of the business school's BBA investment fund and community financial literacy program. Mr. Rieder serves as Chairman of the Board of North Star Academy's eleven Charter Schools in Newark, New Jersey and is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Graduation Generation Public School Collaboration in Atlanta. He is a Trustee for the US Olympic Committee, and on the board of advisors for the Hospital for Special Surgery. He serves on the National Leadership Council of the Communities in Schools Educational Foundation and on the board of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Newark and Essex County Mr. Rieder was honored at the Choose Success Awards ceremony in Atlanta in 2015 for his dedication to public education in Atlanta through CIS and Graduation Generation.
Aidan Doyle - 2017 Adesso
Scott Thiel Managing Director 2006 2018
Biografia Scott Thiel, Managing Director, is BlackRock's Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income, Fundamental Portfolios, and head of the European and Non-US Fixed Income Group. He is a member of the Fixed Income Executive Committee and the EMEA Executive Committee. In addition, he is a lead portfolio manager of Euro portfolios. Mr. Thiel is a member of BlackRock's Leadership Committee. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2002, Mr. Thiel was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs & Co. During his thirteen years there, he was responsible for developing strategies in both US and international interest rate and derivative markets for institutional money managers. Mr. Thiel earned a BA degree in American history from Princeton University in 1987.
Yoni Saposh Director 2011 2013
Biografia Yoni Saposh, Director, is a portfolio manager of The BlackRock Obsidian Fund, specializing in global interest rate and currency markets. Previously, Mr. Saposh was a portfolio manager on the BlackRock Global Bond Team from 2004 to 2011. His service with the firm dates back to 2001, when he joined as an analyst in BlackRock's Portfolio Analytics Group, where he was responsible for analytics and risk management for BlackRock's alternative investment products. Mr. Saposh earned a BS degree, cum laude, in economics with a concentration in finance and decision-making processes, from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2001.
Brian Weinstein Managing Director 2009 2013
Biografia Brian Weinstein, Managing Director, is a co-head of the Global/Non-Dollar Portfolio Team within BlackRock's Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group. Mr. Weinstein moved to his current role in the Portfolio Management Group in 2002. He joined BlackRock in 2000 as an analyst in the Portfolio Analytics Group after spending several summers with BlackRock as an intern.
Andrew Gordon Managing Director 2006 2011
Biografia Andrew Gordon, Managing Director and portfolio manager, is head of BlackRock's global bond team within the Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group.Before joining BlackRock in 1996, Andrew developed strategies for a small relative value global fixed income hedge fund, having previously worked for CS First Boston and in the International Research and Open Market Operations departments of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Owen Murfin Investment Officer 2003 2006
Gareth A. Fielding - 2001 2003
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