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Gemcap Investment Funds (ireland) Plc – Calamos Global Convertible Fund Class C Usd Inc (0P0000SWH2)

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12,951 -0,040    -0,32%
13/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 542,24M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Irlanda
Emittente:  Calamos Advisors LLC
ISIN:  IE00B296VW16 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
Calamos Global Convertible Opportunities Class C U 12,951 -0,040 -0,32%

0P0000SWH2 Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Gemcap Investment Funds (ireland) Plc – Calamos Global Convertible Fund Class C Usd Inc. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P0000SWH2, ed altre informazioni.

Obbligazionari Convertibili Globale

Asset totali




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Strategia di investimento

Calamous U.S. Convertible Opportunities Fund è un prodotto azionario adatto a una strategia difensiva ideale per chi cerca esposizione al settore equità con una forte protezione dalle discese dei mercati. Il fondo cerca di ottenere un alto rendimento nel lungo termine attraverso l’apprezzamento del capitale. Cerca di mantenere un giusto bilancio fra rischi e rendimenti durante i diversi cicli di mercato investendo in una combinazione di titoli azionari, obbligazionari e convertibili.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo 2020 Calamos Court
Naperville,IL 60563
United States
Telefono n/a

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Eli Pars Sr. Co-Portfolio Manager 2014 Adesso
Biografia As a Co-Chief Investment Officer, Eli Pars is responsible for oversight of investment team resources, investment processes, performance and risk. As Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, he manages investment team members and has portfolio management responsibilities for those investment verticals. He is also a member of the Calamos Investment Committee, which is charged with providing a top-down framework, maintaining oversight of risk and performance metrics, and evaluating investment process. Eli has 34 years of industry experience, including 15 at Calamos. Prior to returning to Calamos in 2013, he was a Portfolio Manager at Chicago Fundamental Investment Partners, where he co-managed a convertible arbitrage portfolio. Previously, he held senior roles at Mulligan Partners LLC, Ritchie Capital and SAM Investments/The Hampshire Company. Earlier in his career, Eli was a Vice President and Assistant Portfolio Manager at Calamos. He received a BA in English Literature from the University of Illinois and an MBA with a specialization in Finance from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
John P. Calamos Founder 2007 Adesso
Biografia John Calamos is Chairman and Global CIO of Calamos Investments, the firm he founded in 1977. With origins as an institutional convertible bond manager, Calamos Investments has grown into a global asset management firm with institutional and individual clients worldwide. Headquartered in the Chicago metropolitan area, the firm also has offices in New York, San Francisco, Milwaukee and the Miami area. Mr. Calamos established research and investment processes centered around a team-based approach designed to deliver superior risk-adjusted performance over full market cycles through a range of U.S. and global investment solutions including equity, fixed income, convertible and alternative strategies. As a pioneer in convertible securities, Calamos launched one of the first convertible funds in 1985 as a way to manage risk for clients in volatile times. He also established one of the first liquid alternative funds in 1990, reflecting a focus on innovation that continues to this day. Mr. Calamos has built a reputation for using investment techniques to control risk, preserve capital and build wealth for clients over the long term. With more than 50 years of industry experience, he is often quoted as an authority on risk-managed investment strategies, markets, and the economy. He is a frequent speaker at investment conferences around the world and appears regularly on CNBC, Bloomberg TV and Fox Business Channel. He has authored two books, Investing in Convertible Securities: Your Complete Guide to the Risks and Rewards and Convertible Securities: The Latest Instruments, Portfolio Strategies, and Valuation Analysis.   Prior to entering the investment industry, Mr. Calamos served in the United States Air Force. During the Vietnam War, he served as a Forward Air Controller, with responsibilities for guiding accurate air strikes and preventing injuries to friendly troops. His squadron was the first to fly the Cessna O-2, an aircraft in which he recorded over 400 missions in combat. Captain Calamos was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for “extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight under heavy hostile attack.” His Air Force career included five years of active duty flying B-52 bombers and twelve years in the Reserves flying A-37 jet fighters. He retired as a Major.   The son of Greek immigrants, Mr. Calamos is an active philanthropist supporting educational institutions and Hellenic organizations. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago. He is an investment committee member of the Faith Endowment, and a supporting member of the National Hellenic Society, Leadership 100 and The Hellenic Initiative. He received a B.A. in Economics and an M.B.A. in Finance from Illinois Tech, where he established Endowed Chairs in Philosophy and Business and is also a member of the Board of Trustees. He received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Hellenic College Holy Cross.
Nick P. Calamos Senior Executive Vice President 2007 2012
Biografia NICK P. CALAMOS, CFA, Senior Executive Vice President, Head of Investments/CIO. As Head of Investments, Mr. Calamos oversees research and portfolio management for Calamos Investments family of mutual funds, closed-end funds and separately managed accounts, totaling more than $41 billion in assets as of June 30, 2008. Leading the development of the firm’s proprietary research tools and investment processes for a team of more than 50 professionals, Mr. Calamos serves as a portfolio manager of various strategies utilizing equities, high yield bonds, convertible securities and alternative investments. Many of the firm’s mutual funds have received accolades throughout his portfolio management tenure including 30 Lipper Performance Achievement Certificates for a number of strategies including No. 1 designation for 10 year performance for the Calamos Convertible, Calamos Growth, Calamos Growth & Income and Calamos Market Neutral Income Funds. The Calamos Growth Fund was recognized as the #1 Fund in the Forbes Honor Roll for three years in a row in 2005; the Calamos Growth and Income Fund earned the Standard & Poor’s/BusinessWeek Excellence in Fund Management Award in both 2003 and 2004. He joined the firm in 1983. A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Mr. Calamos received his undergraduate degree in Economics from Southern Illinois University and an MS in Finance from Northern Illinois University. His book, Convertible Arbitrage: Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging, was released in July 2003 and is used as a textbook in a number of investment management curriculums. He is often quoted in the press, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Fortune, BusinessWeek and Pensions & Investments. He also regularly appears on CNBC, Kudlow & Company and Bloomberg TV. Mr. Calamos is active in a number of professional and civic organizations including Vistage, a CEO peer group, and the Investment Analysts Society of Chicago, the CFA Institute. He has endowed scholarship programs at Northern Illinois University.
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