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City National Rochdale Fixed Income Opportunities Fund Class N (RIMOX)

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19,78 0,00    0,00%
18/10 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 1,85B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  City National Rochdale
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
City National Rochdale Fxd Inc Opps N 19,78 0,00 0,00%

RIMOX Panoramica

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High Yield Bond

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Indirizzo c/o SEI Investments Distribution Co.
Oaks,PA 19456
United States
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Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Charles Luke Managing Director 2020 Adesso
Thomas H. Ehrlein - 2020 Adesso
Biografia Thomas H. Ehrlein joined the former Rochdale Investment Management (predecessor to City National Rochdale) in 2005. He oversees a number of business segments at the firm including investment oversight for all non-traditional investments and the portfolio analytics and modeling processes,and is the Portfolio Manager of the City National Rochdale High Yield Alternative Strategies Fund. Mr. Ehrlein is also a key member of the asset allocation committee at City National Rochdale. He has been in the Investment Management industry since 2000. Prior to 2005, Mr. Ehrlein was a Senior Consultant in the Investment Management division of FactSet Research Systems, Inc., where he performed financial market and portfolio management research and quantitative analysis for institutional money management firms, and a middle market lending credit analyst at ABN-Amro, North America. Mr. Ehrlein earned his BS in Finance from the University of Scranton and his MBA in Finance from Hofstra University.
Garrett R. D'Alessandro Portfolio Manager 2016 2021
Biografia Mr. D’Alessandro joined the former Rochdale Investment Management (predecessor to City National Rochdale) in 1986 and is the Chief Executive Officer. In addition to setting the strategic direction of the firm, he plays a key role in the firm's portfolio management and investment research functions. In this capacity he assists in determining the macroeconomic outlook and strategic asset allocations for the firm's strategies. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. D’Alessandro was a Certified Public Accountant and an Audit Manager with KPMG Peat Marwick. Mr. D’Alessandro received his MBA in Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, the Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst designation, and is a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the CFA Institute. He also is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary. Mr. D’Alessandro makes presentations on current investment issues to financial professionals throughout the country and has been featured in various media outlets including CNBC, The Financial Network, Practical Accountant, CPA Wealth Provider, and New Jersey CPA. Mr. D’Alessandro is an Ironman tri-athlete and has been selected multiple times to compete in the world championship in Kona, Hawaii. He is also a supporter of numerous charitable and civic organizations.
Matthew Peron CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2018 2020
Biografia Matt Peron is Global Head of Solutions at Janus Henderson Investors, a role he has held from 2023. He leads the firm’s Solutions Group, a team that constructs multi-asset solutions for clients’ complex investment objectives. Additionally, he is a portfolio manager on the firm’s suite of equity research strategies and is chair of the Portfolio Oversight Team that monitors risk for the research portfolios. Matt served as director of research, overseeing the central research team and analysts from 2020 to 2024. Prior to joining the firm in 2020, Matt was chief investment officer at City National Bank (the US Private Bank for the Royal Bank of Canada) from 2018. Earlier, he was an executive vice president and global head of equities at Northern Trust in Chicago from 2005. Matt has served on or chaired several investment committees overseeing asset allocations for large asset pools. He began his career in fixed income in 1990 and also has extensive experience with quantitative and fundamental portfolio management. Matt received his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Swarthmore College, graduating with distinction, and his MBA from the University of Chicago. He sits on the board of the Illinois Hunger Coalition and is active in nonprofit organizations that focus on developing skills and entrepreneurship in underprivileged communities. He has 34 years of financial industry experience.
Simon Milledge - 2017 2018
Biografia Simon Milledge have primary responsibility for the day-to-day investment decisions with respect to GML’s portion of the Fund. Mr. Pinter has been Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of GML since its founding. For the past five years, each of Messrs. Stohner, Matveev and Milledge have been Portfolio Managers at GML.
Hiram Hamilton Portfolio Manager 2017 2018
Biografia Hiram Hamilton is Portfolio Manager, Global Head of Structured Credit of Alcentra NY. He joined Alcentra NY in 2017 and Alcentra Limited in 2008.
Cathy Bevan - 2017 2018
Biografia Cathy Bevan, Deputy Portfolio Manager, CLO Funds at Alcentra Limited.
Fernando Assad Senior Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
Biografia Fernando Assad is a Senior Portfolio Manager of the Investment Manager and a Member of its Investment Committee. He joined Ashmore Investment Advisors Limited in 2007 as an equity portfolio manager after six years at Morgan Stanley where he was a Vice President responsible for management of Emerging Market equities and the launch of the Global Emerging and Convergence Opportunities portfolio within Global Wealth Management in London. He previously worked for SG Asset Management Emerging Markets and as an intern in Merrill Lynch Broker Services. Mr. Assad is a CFA Charterholder and has a BA in Economics from the American International University in London.
Jan Dehn Global Head 2016 2018
Biografia Dr. Jan Dehn, Global Head of Research, joined Ashmore in 2005. As a global strategist and economist, with vast experience in international macroeconomic issues, Dr. Dehn is responsible for making assessments on markets and economies at a national and global level. His expertise spans developed and Emerging Markets with particular emphasis on the international linkages between economics, finance and politics. At Ashmore, Dr. Dehn has traded developed and Emerging Markets, including sovereign external debt, local currency bonds, foreign currencies, corporate bonds, and Frontier Markets. Earlier in his career, Dr. Dehn was a strategist at Credit Suisse First Boston in New York and London. He has also worked as a consultant at the World Bank in Washington DC undertaking research on public finance and commodity issues. Dr. Dehn has also been economic adviser to a number of Emerging Markets governments. Dr. Dehn holds a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford University, a Master’s Degree in Quantitative Economics from Warwick University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Sussex University.
Michael Krasnerman CEO 2014 2018
Biografia Michael Krasnerman has primary responsibility for day-to-day management with respect to All Financial's portion of the Fund. Mr. Krasnerman has been Chief Executive Officer of All Financial since 2013 and Chief Executive Officer of All Financial Group LLC since its inception in 2008.
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