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Schroder High Yield Opportunities Fund Z Accumulation Gbp (0P0000W6J8)

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1,15 -0,00    0,00%
13/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in GBP
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 493M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Gran Bretagna
Emittente:  Schroder Unit Trusts Limited
ISIN:  GB00B83RDY83 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
Schroder High Yield Opportunities Fund Class Z Acc 1,15 -0,00 0,00%

0P0000W6J8 Panoramica

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Obbligazionari High Yield GBP

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Indirizzo 1 London Wall Place
London, EC2Y 5AU
United Kingdom
Telefono 0800 182 2399

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Daniel Pearson Portfolio Manager 2018 Adesso
Biografia Daniel Pearson is a Credit Portfolio Manager who Joined Schroders from Cazenove in 2013. He has a focus on IG and HY auto, Business Services and Property sectors. Qualifications: BSc Business Administration from Bath University, ACCA and IMC.
Michael Scott Portfolio Manager 2012 2018
Biografia Mike Scott is a Portfolio Manager at Man GLG. He began his career at Cazenove Capital Management in 2005 before moving to Schroders in 2006. Mike initially spent four years as a European industrials credit analyst covering investment grade and high yield and went on to become the lead high yield portfolio manager. Mike graduated from Oxford University and is a CFA Charterholder.
Adam Cordery Head 2004 2012
Biografia Head of UK & European Credit Strategies, based in London. Joined Schroders in 2004.– Previously worked for Invesco (2000-2004) as Head of European High Yield/High Yield Analyst. Prior to that he was a Credit Analyst/Fund Manager at UBK Asset Management (1996-2000) where his investment career began. Before embarking on the investment career he was a Senior Economist at the Economist Intelligence Unit (1991-1995) and an Economist at the Civil Aviation Authority (1989-1991).
Jamie Stuttard Portfolio Manager 2003 2004
Biografia Jamie Stuttard is a portfolio manager for Fidelity Investments. Jamie joined Fidelity’s Bond Group in London in June 2011. Before joining Fidelity in June 2011, Jamie was head of European and U.K. fixed income at Schroder Investment Management from 2003 to 2011. Previously, he worked as a portfolio manager and vice-president at PIMCO Europe Limited from 2001 to 2003, and as a portfolio manager at Dresdner RCM Global Investors from 1999 to 2001. He has been in the industry since 1998. Jamie earned a BA and an MA in history from Cambridge University’s Emmanuel College.
Richard Dryer Portfolio manager 2002 2003
Biografia Richard Dryer, is the Head of European and UK Fixed Income, based in London. Richard joined Credit Suisse from Insight Investment Management where he was Head of UK Institutional Credit. In this role he managed a small team responsible for the management of GBP 10 billion in assets under management. He also held responsibilities for the development of the broader credit fund management process, chairing the cross currency credit portfolio review meetings. Prior to this Richard worked at Schroder Investment Management as a portfolio manager where he initially focused on the Gilt market before specialising into corporate bonds. He is an Associate of the Institute of Investment Management and Research. He holds a BA in Economics from University College, Durham, and graduated in 1997.
Robert Gall Portfolio Manager 2001 2002
Biografia Robert has been with Schroders since 1992 and has managed Fixed Interest portfolios since 1995. Previous to this, he worked with us as a fixed interest analyst. He has a Masters Degree in Economics and is an Associate Member of the Institute of Investment Management and Research.
Lisa Coleman Managing Director 2000 2001
Biografia Lisa Coleman, Managing Director, is the head of the Global Investment Grade Corporate Credit team in the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) group. Prior to joining the firm in 2008, Lisa was at Schroders Investment Management for eight years, serving as the head of Global Credit Strategies and the head of European Fixed Income. Previously, she was at Allmerica Financial for six years, managing core and corporate bond portfolios. Before this, Lisa was Deputy Manager of Global Fixed Income at Brown Brothers Harriman for five years, managing corporate bond, asset-backed security, mortgage-backed security and government bond portfolios. Prior to Brown Brothers Harriman, Lisa worked at Merrill Lynch in foreign exchange sales and at Travelers Insurance Company as an analyst and portfolio manager. Lisa began her career at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, holding roles in the foreign exchange and foreign relations departments. Lisa holds a B.A. in economics from Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut and a M.A. in international banking and finance from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, New York. In addition, she is a CFA charterholder and holds the Investment Management Certificate from the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
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