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Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income Fund Investor Class (0P0000O8LM)

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15,250 -0,020    -0,13%
13/03 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 1,99B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  Goldman Sachs
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Goldman Sachs Dynamic Municipal Income Fund Invest 15,250 -0,020 -0,13%

0P0000O8LM Panoramica

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Muni National Interm

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Indirizzo 200 West Stree
Chicago,NY 10282
United States
Telefono (312) 362 3000

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Sylvia Yeh Portfolio Manager 2021 Adesso
Biografia Ms. Yeh is a portfolio manager on the U.S. Municipals Team. She joined Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. in 1999.
Joseph Wenzel Portfolio Manager 2019 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Wenzel is a member of the municipal fixed income portfolio management team. His current responsibilities include portfolio construction, security selection and trading for municipal separate accounts and mutual funds. Prior to joining the team in 2004, Mr. Wenzel worked for 2 years in the Goldman Sachs Asset Management Compliance Group.
Scott Diamond Portfolio Manager 2002 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Diamond joined the Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. in 2002 as a portfolio manager on the U.S. Municipals team. Before joining the Investment Adviser, Mr. Diamond worked for Prudential Financial for nine years where he served as the portfolio manager for national and state specific mutual funds, as well as managing the municipal portfolio of several institutional accounts.
Ben Barber Senior Vice President 1999 2020
Biografia Mr. Barber is is the Director of Franklin's Municipal Bond Department. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton, he was co-head of municipal bonds at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. He first joined Franklin Templeton in 1991 and rejoined again in April 2020.
Thomas J. Kenny - 2000 2008
Biografia Tom is Co-Head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management's Global Cash and Fixed Income Portfolio team which is responsible for managing assets in excess of $370 billion across cash, traditional, and alternative fixed income strategies with teams in London, Tokyo, and New York. Prior to taking on this role, he was Head of the Municipal Bond Portfolio Management team that is responsible for over $25 billion in assets. He joined the firm in 1999 after spending over 13 years with the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds where, most recently, he was Executive Vice President and the Director of the Municipal Bond Department, responsible for assets under management in excess of $50 billion. Tom has served in a number of leadership positions for various industry groups including the Vice Chairman of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. He received a B.A. in Business Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a M.S. in Finance from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. Tom also received the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Kenneth Potts Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2001 2006
Biografia Ken is a strategy leader for the Tax Efficient Fixed Income Investments team. He is also a member of the Fixed Income Investment Committee and manages fixed income portfolios for high net worth individuals. Ken was a Principal, Portfolio Manager and a member of the Investment Committee at Samson Capital Advisors LLC., where he joined in 2005. Samson was a privately-owned investment management firm that was founded in 2004 by senior investment professionals from OFFITBANK, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan. Prior to its acquisition by Fiera Capital, Samson managed over $7 billion in assets in customized fixed income for affluent families and their foundations, endowments and corporations. At Fiera Capital he continues in this role where he structures and invests tax efficient portfolios for many of the firm’s clients. Ken develops and uses innovative tools and strategies to measure and manage risks in order to achieve optimal returns. Prior to Samson, he was a Senior Municipal Portfolio Manager at Goldman, Sachs & Co.’s Asset Management group, where he joined in 1997. From 1999 to 2005 Ken was a senior portfolio manager with responsibility for tax-efficient bond portfolios. During this time Ken also developed significant expertise in credit analysis, derivatives, portfolio return attribution and risk management. From 1997 to 1999 Ken led a team which managed the firm’s four tax-exempt money market funds. Prior to Goldman Sachs, Ken worked at Prudential Insurance Co, serving first as a Portfolio Manager in the money market group and subsequently as a risk manager, trading a $10 billion direct issue commercial paper program. Ken holds a BS in Business from Skidmore College and a MBA in Finance from New York University Stern School of Business.
Elisabeth Schupf Lonsdale vice president and Portfolio Manager 1997 2000
Biografia Lonsdale is vice president and portfolio manager with Goldman Sachs Asset Management, her employer since 1995. Previously, she was director of Fitch Investors Services in 1995. Prior to that, she worked for 10 years in the Goldman Sachs municipal finance department.
Benjamin S. Thompson Vice President 1997 1999
Biografia Thompson is a vice president and portfolio manager with J.P. Morgan. Prior, he was a portfolio manager and member of the fixed-income team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, his employer since 1992. Previously, he served as a member of the structured finance group at Chase Manhattan Bank.
Mark G. Muller Portfolio Manager 1993 1997
Biografia Muller joined Van Kampen Merritt in 1985 as an assistant research analyst and began managing portfolios for the company two years later. Muller was born January 29, 1963 in Heidelberg, Germany.
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