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Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Fund Investor Class (HFLGX)

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10,95 +0,21    +1,96%
14/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 111,89M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  Hennessy
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Inv 10,95 +0,21 +1,96%

HFLGX Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Fund Investor Class. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di HFLGX, ed altre informazioni.

Mid-Cap Value

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Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo 7250 Redwood Blvd., Suite 200
Novato,CA 94945
United States
Telefono 800-966-4354

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
L. Joshua Wein Director 2019 Adesso
Biografia Wein joined the Investment Manager in September 2018 until February 2019.Josh previously joined BB&T Asset Management in 2008 and Sterling Capital Management through merger in October 2010. He has investment experience since 1995. Josh is an investment analyst with Sterling's Advisory Solutions team with a focus on alternative investments. Prior to joining BB&T, he worked as a Managing Member of Bellator Capital Partners, a long/short equity fund focused primarily on small and mid-cap equities. He also worked as an Equity Research Associate covering enterprise software companies at First Union Securities. Josh is a graduate of Emory University where he received his BBA in Finance. He received his MBA from Vanderbilt University. He is a CAIA charterholder.
Ryan C. Kelley - 2017 Adesso
Biografia Kelley has been employed by Hennessy Advisors, Inc. since October 26, 2012. Prior to October 26 2012, Mr. Kelley was employed by FBR Fund Advisers, Inc. Prior to joining the FBR Advisers, Inc. in 2005, he held various positions at FBR, including senior equity analyst in the research department since 2002 and associate in corporate finance for five years prior to 2002. Kelley holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Neil J. Hennessy Chief Market Strategist 2009 Adesso
Biografia Neil is a seasoned asset manager with over four decades of financial services and investing experience. He started his career as a broker in 1979, started his first mutual fund in 1996, and today provides strategic economic and market direction for Hennessy Funds. As Chief Market Strategist, Neil analyzes the economy and financial markets to develop insights and direction to support our investment team. Embodying the Hennessy Funds' motto of "Investing, Uncompromised" Neil leads with high conviction, adhering to proven and repeatable strategies, and always in the best interest of shareholders, and he never strays from these core values. Neil began his career at Paine Webber and worked there and at Hambrecht & Quist until founding his own broker/dealer firm in 1989 and Hennessy Funds in 1996. Neil is a recognized and respected asset manager, and he is a frequent guest/contributor in national financial media. Neil received a BBA in Business Administration from the University of San Diego.
Brian E. Peery Vice President 2011 2018
Biografia Brian Peery has been employed by Hennessy Advisors, Inc. since 2002. Mr. Peery has more than 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, having held institutional sales, trading, research and analyst positions. Brian began his financial career at a boutique investment research shop working as an equities analyst and went on to manage research and trading for a full-service brokerage firm. Brian has been with Hennessy Funds since 2002, where he has served on the Investment and Research Committee and held roles as Director of Sales and Director of Research. Brian’s strength as a money manager lies in his commitment to quantitative, formula-based investing. Having done extensive back-testing of various investment formulas, Brian understands the importance of non-emotional investing and adhering to a disciplined, repeatable stock selection process. Brian holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Richmond (VA).
Frank Ingarra Senior Vice President 2009 2011
Biografia Frank Ingarra, Jr. joined NorthCoast in 2011 and is a member of the investment team. Prior to joining NorthCoast, Mr. Ingarra served as a portfolio manager of the Hennessy Funds since 2000. He has engaged in portfolio management since 2003 and equities trading, and began his financial career working alongside famed “What Works on Wall Street” author, James O’Shaughnessy as Head Trader. Mr. Ingarra continued to manage these funds after they were acquired by Hennessy Funds in 2000, and was promoted to the co-portfolio manager and head trader for the entire family of quantitatively managed funds. Mr. Ingarra holds an MBA from the Frank G. Zarb School of Business at Hofstra University and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with a minor in Business from Villanova University.
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