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Investec Global Strategy Fund - Global Gold Fund S Inc Usd (0P000090YH)

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Investec GSF Global Gold S Inc USD dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
19,600 +0,030    +0,15%
04/05 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 320,14M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  Investec Asset Management Luxembourg S.A.
ISIN:  LU0345780877 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Investec GSF Global Gold S Inc USD 19,600 +0,030 +0,15%

0P000090YH Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Investec Global Strategy Fund - Global Gold Fund S Inc Usd. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P000090YH, ed altre informazioni.

Azionari Settore Metalli Preziosi

Asset totali



Data di lancio


Strategia di investimento

Il Fondo cerca di accrescere il valore dell’investimento a lungo termine. Il Fondo investe in tutto il mondo principalmente nelle azioni di società operanti nell'estrazione di oro. Il Fondo può investire anche fino a un terzo del proprio valore nelle azioni di società operanti nell'estrazione di altri metalli preziosi, minerali e metalli non preziosi. Il Fondo ha la facoltà di utilizzare strumenti derivati (contratti finanziari il cui valore è legato al prezzo di un’attività sottostante) ai fini di una gestione efficiente del portafoglio, ad esempio, allo scopo di gestire i rischi del Fondo ovvero di ridurne i costi di gestione.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo L-1160 Luxembourg
Luxembourg, L-1160
Telefono +44 207 597 1800

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
George Cheveley - 2015 Adesso
Biografia George is a portfolio manager and metals and mining specialist in the Natural Resources team at Investec Asset Management having joined the firm in 2007. Prior to this, he was a market analyst for three years at BHP Billiton, working in The Hague and Singapore. He was recruited to BHP Billiton in 2004 from CRU (Commodities Research Unit), an independent metals/chemicals related research company based in London. At CRU, he spent three years in the Carbon Steel team and five years as a Research Manager – Copper, providing in-depth research and forecasts to the industry, banks and hedge funds. George began his career in 1990 in operations at British Steel Strip Products, working for three years in the Tinplate division. George graduated from the University of Oxford in 1989 with an honours degree in Classics and in 1995 was awarded an MBA from Warwick University.
Hanré Rossouw - 2015 2018
Biografia Hanré is a portfolio manager within the Natural Resources team covering precious metals and frontier and emerging market resources. Prior to joining the firm in 2013, he was the Chief Financial Officer of Xstrata Alloys overseeing Xstrata plc’s chrome and platinum interests in South Africa. He joined Xstrata in 2004, and also held other senior roles in Strategy, M&A and Investor Relations in London as part of the core team that built Xstrata into a global diversified mining company, subsequently acquired by Glencore for $30bn in 2013. His mining career started as graduate engineer at Anglo American plc (with experience at AngloGold and AngloCoal) and later also worked for De Beers and Accenture. Hanré graduated from Oxford University with a Master’s degree in Business Administration. He has also holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) degree in Economics.
Scott Winship - 2013 2015
Bradley George - 2009 2015
Biografia Bradley George—Mr. George is a Portfolio Manager with Investec. Mr. George has 15 years of experience in the investment industry, of which 5 have been spent with the Investec Group. Mr. George was appointed Head of the Commodities and Resources team at Investec in 2006. Mr. George joined Investec in London, after spending seven years at Goldman Sachs where he worked as an executive director in the Commodity Division, involved in selling the GSCI to investors and commodity derivative hedging products to resource corporates. Prior to this he worked in Goldman Sachs’ Investment Banking Division on Natural Resources M&A transactions in both London and South Africa. Previously he spent three years at KPMG in the Financial Services Division, Treasury Advisory Group, offering clients consultancy advice on financial derivatives risk management.
Daniel Sacks Head 2000 2013
Biografia Daniel is a portfolio manager at Investec Asset Management and a member of the SA Equities & Multi-Asset team. He has portfolio management responsibility for the South African Resources Strategy as well as the Small Cap Strategy and is responsible for the analysis of South African precious metals shares. He joined the firm in September 1997 as a portfolio administrator, before moving to the research department in 1999 as an investment analyst in the resources sector. Daniel graduated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Business Science (Hons) degree in Economics and is a CFA Charterholder.
Gail Daniel Head 2007 2011
Biografia Gail is a portfolio manager at Investec Asset Management with responsibility for the Investec Managed Fund. She joined the firm in 1991, where she worked on the Dealing Desk and contributed her analytical skills to the investment team. One year later, Gail joined the investment team and moved wholly into investments where she took responsibility for a selection of institutional portfolios and later, the Investec Managed Fund. She managed the Investec Worldwide Fund from its inception in 1995 until October 2000, when she was promoted to head of equities in South Africa. Gail served in this role until 2007, at which stage she focused on portfolio management and the development of the Investec Equity Fund and the Investec Equity Hedge Fund, which she managed successfully until October 2009. Gail graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1990 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics, Economics and Psychology, and gained her Honours in Economics from the University of South Africa in 1991. She also holds an MBA degree from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business.
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