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Ljm Preservation And Growth Fund Class A (LJMAX)

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LJM Preservation and Growth A dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
1,96 0,00    0,00%
29/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 2,85M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  LJM Funds
Tipo di investimento:  Altri
LJM Preservation and Growth A 1,96 0,00 0,00%

LJMAX Panoramica

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Option Writing

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Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo One Financial Place, 440 S. La Salle Street, Suite 2301, Chicago, IL
United States
Telefono -

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Anthony J. Caine - 2013 2018
Biografia Anthony J. Caine, the Founder and Chairman of the General Partner, has been registered with the CFTC as a principal and associated person of the General Partner since December 8, 1998. Mr. Caine has been trading options for his own accounts since July 1982. Prior to the registration of the General Partner as a commodity trading advisor, Mr. Caine traded for his own account and managed client accounts pursuant to an exemption from commodity trading advisor registration. Mr. Caine, as of November 2, 2006, is also registered with the CFTC as a principal of DH Capital Inc. Mr. Caine has also been registered with the CFTC as a principal and associated person of Caine & Fox, LLC, a commodity pool operator, as of December 7, 2000. Caine & Fox, LLC never commenced operations and withdrew its registration with the CFTC in March 2003. Mr. Caine has received degrees in Economics and Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University. Mr. Caine is 52 years old and spent the first 16 years of his professional career in the computer and software industries, including serving as a sales representative of Hewlett-Packard (“HP”), a computer and software company, from September 1979 to August 1981 where his responsibilities were developing clients and sales channel for HP’s personal and held calculator products; the president of Omega Computers, a software company, from August 1981 to June 1983 where his responsibilities were developing retail sales for Apple Computer’s product line of personal computers; the General Manager of Brock Software, a software company, from June 1983 to January 1984 where his responsibilities were leading a software development effort for a Pascal based data base management product; sales representative/sales manager of Apple Computer, a computer and software company, from January 1984 to December 1989 where his responsibilities were developing sales relationships within Apple’s education (principally university) distribution channel; General Manager and Director of Zylab Software, a software company, from February 1992 to January 1994 where his responsibilities were general management including sales and systems development for a leading document management technology; and Industry Director of Trilogy Development Company, a software company, from February 1994 to November 1995 where his responsibilities were developing sales within the manufacturing vertical industry. Mr. Caine founded Spyglass, Inc., a software company, where he served as President and CEO from January 1990 to January 1992 where his responsibilities were general management including systems development, raising capital through establishing relationships with several leading venture capital firms, recruitment and organizational development. Spyglass, Inc. was a public corporation traded on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange from June 1995 through March 2000 when Spyglass, Inc. was acquired by OpenTV in a $2.5 billion stock exchange transaction.
Anish Parvataneni Portfolio Manager 2013 2018
Biografia Since 2010, Mr. Parvataneni has served as Director of Trading for LJM Partners, Ltd. From 2008-2010, Mr. Parvataneni worked as an algorithmic trader at Jump Trading in Chicago. During 2007, Mr. Parvataneni worked as a trader at Citadel Investment Group. The Fund’s SAI provides additional information about Mr. Parvataneni ’s compensation, other accounts he manages and his ownership of shares in the Fund.
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