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Pictet-asian Local Currency Debt I Dy Usd (0P0000PUL3)

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117,070 -0,060    -0,05%
13/03 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 139,89M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA
ISIN:  LU0532862835 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
Pictet-Asian Local Currency Debt I dy USD 117,070 -0,060 -0,05%

0P0000PUL3 Panoramica

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Asia Bond - Local Currency

Asset totali




Data di lancio


Strategia di investimento

Gestione attiva dell'allocazione del credito associando un'analisi fondamentale macroeconomica di tipo top-down ad una valutazione fondamentale di tipo bottom-up

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo Calle Hermosilla 11
Madrid,Madrid 28001
Telefono +34 91 781 6520
Fax Milan

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Ali Bora Yigitbasioglu Senior Investment Manager 2020 Adesso
Biografia Ali Bora Yigitbasioglu joined Pictet Asset Management in 2019 and is a Senior Investment Manager in the Emerging Market Debt team responsible for global emerging market debt and Asian debt portfolios based in Singapore. Prior to assuming his current role, Ali was a Senior Investment Manager for the Total Return Fixed Income team. Before joining Pictet he was Senior Portfolio Manager in Global Macro at Cambridge Strategy Asset Management in Monaco, responsible for FX and Rates and specialising in Asian markets. Ali graduated in Pure and Applied Maths at Cambridge University, and continued his graduate studies with Distinction at Imperial College in Finance and at Bilkent University in Finance and Econometrics. He completed his PhD in Mathematical Finance at ICMA Centre (Reading) and started his career in London at Lehman Brothers in 2004 as an FX Quantitative Analyst. From 2006 until 2010 he was an EM local rates, and a Hybrid Exotics trader at Lehman Brothers and Dresdner Kleinwort respectively.
Alper Gocer Head of Emerging Market Sovereign Debt 2020 Adesso
Biografia Alper Gocer joined Pictet Asset Management in 2016 and is Head of Emerging Market Sovereign Debt and is lead of our Emerging Local Currency Debt strategies. Prior to joining the team in 2018, he was a Senior Investment Manager in the Total Return Emerging Markets team. Before joining Pictet, Alper was a Portfolio Manager at London Diversified Fund Management within the Global Macro Fund. Prior to LDFM, Alper was a Portfolio Manager at North Asset Management focused on Global Macro trading mainly in Emerging Markets. He began his career as a Quantitative Analyst at Citigroup. Alper has a Masters in Finance from the London Business School and a BSc. in Industrial Engineering from Bilkent University.
Carrie Liaw Senior Investment Manager 2018 Adesso
Biografia Carrie Liaw joined Pictet Asset Management in 2015 and is a Senior Investment Manager responsible for global emerging market debt and Asian debt portfolios based in Singapore. Before joining Pictet Carrie was with the Monetary Authority of Singapore for 15 years and worked in different investment divisions within the Reserve Management Department, including heading up the European Rates and FX divisions. Carrie holds a Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Financial Analysis from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.
Mary-Therese Barton Head of Emerging Market Fixed Income 2018 2023
Biografia Mary-Therese Barton joined Pictet Asset Management in 2004 and is Head of Emerging Market Fixed Income, overseeing the Emerging Market Sovereign, Corporate and Greater China debt strategies. Prior to joining Pictet she worked at Dun & Bradstreet, where she was an economist responsible for analysing European countries. Mary-Therese graduated with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Balliol College, Oxford. She also holds an MSc with distinction in Development Finance from the Centre for Financial Management Studies, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), part of the University of London. Mary-Therese is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder.
Philippe Petit Senior Emerging Market Trader 2007 2020
Biografia Philippe Petit joined Pictet Singapore in 2003 as a senior emerging market trader with a focus on emerging market bonds and currencies. Mr. Petit obtained a degree in Business Studies from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Marseille in France.
Ali Bora Yigitbasioglu Senior Investment Manager 2020 2020
Biografia Ali Bora Yigitbasioglu joined Pictet Asset Management in 2019 and is a Senior Investment Manager in the Emerging Market Debt team responsible for global emerging market debt and Asian debt portfolios based in Singapore. Prior to assuming his current role, Ali was a Senior Investment Manager for the Total Return Fixed Income team. Before joining Pictet he was Senior Portfolio Manager in Global Macro at Cambridge Strategy Asset Management in Monaco, responsible for FX and Rates and specialising in Asian markets. Ali graduated in Pure and Applied Maths at Cambridge University, and continued his graduate studies with Distinction at Imperial College in Finance and at Bilkent University in Finance and Econometrics. He completed his PhD in Mathematical Finance at ICMA Centre (Reading) and started his career in London at Lehman Brothers in 2004 as an FX Quantitative Analyst. From 2006 until 2010 he was an EM local rates, and a Hybrid Exotics trader at Lehman Brothers and Dresdner Kleinwort respectively.
Alper Gocer Head of Emerging Market Sovereign Debt 2018 2020
Biografia Alper Gocer joined Pictet Asset Management in 2016 and is Head of Emerging Market Sovereign Debt and is lead of our Emerging Local Currency Debt strategies. Prior to joining the team in 2018, he was a Senior Investment Manager in the Total Return Emerging Markets team. Before joining Pictet, Alper was a Portfolio Manager at London Diversified Fund Management within the Global Macro Fund. Prior to LDFM, Alper was a Portfolio Manager at North Asset Management focused on Global Macro trading mainly in Emerging Markets. He began his career as a Quantitative Analyst at Citigroup. Alper has a Masters in Finance from the London Business School and a BSc. in Industrial Engineering from Bilkent University.
Wee-Ming Ting - 2007 2018
Biografia Wee-Ming Ting joined Pictet Singapore in 2007 as Head of the Asian Fixed Income in Singapore and is a CFA Charter holder. Mr. Ting graduated with an Honours degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and holds a Master’s degree with distinctions in Public Policy & Management from the University of York.
Simon Lue-Fong Senior Portfolio Manager, Head 2006 2018
Biografia Lue-Fong joined PAM Ltd. in 2005 as a Senior Investment Manager and Head of Global Emerging Debt with responsibility for investment management, product development and client relations. Before joining PAM Ltd., he worked for Standard Asset Management (2004-2005) and INVESCO (2000-2003) as a Senior Investment Manager in their respective Emerging Markets Debt teams. Between 1996 and 2000, Lue-Fong was an Investment Manager and then Head of Emerging Market Debt at Fischer Francis Trees & Watts. Mr. Lue-Fong graduated from Bournemouth University with a BA (Hons) degree in Finance.
Rajeev de Mello Head 2006 2007
Biografia Rajeev De Mello - Head of Asian Fixed Income - Head of Asian Fixed Income, based in Singapore - Joined Schroders in July 2011 - Previously worked at Western Asset Management as Senior Investment Officer, Country Head of Singapore, and member of the Global Investment Strategy Committee. - Prior to that, he was Head of Asian Fixed Income at Pictet Asset Management. Until 2005, he was Head of Fixed Income with specific responsibilities for European bonds and Global bonds. He joined Pictet in 1999 to manage European aggregate bond strategies. - Other positions held include Head of Asian Bond Trading at UBS (Warburg Dillon Read) Hong Kong, Consultant at McKinsey & Company and Trader in currencies and precious metals options at United Overseas Bank (BNP) and Credit Suisse First Boston. - Investment career commenced in 1987 - MBA, Georgetown University - Bachelor of Science in Economics (Honors), London School of Economics
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