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Saffron Bci Active Bond Fund B (0P0000WGVH)

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1,396 -0,002    -0,14%
14:00:00 - Chiuso. Valuta in ZAR ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 1,19B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Sud Africa
Emittente:  Sanlam Collective Investments
ISIN:  ZAE000168225 
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
Saffron Sanlam Collective Investments Active Bond 1,396 -0,002 -0,14%

0P0000WGVH Panoramica

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Indirizzo Technopark, Stellenbosch, 7599
South Africa
Telefono -

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Not Disclosed - 2022 Adesso
Brandon Quinn Head 2018 2022
Biografia Brandon has been actively managing long-only and hedge fund assets since 2005. He graduated with a B Com (Economics) in 1992 and holds a CFA Charter since 2003. Brandon has experience investing in Developed Markets, Emerging and Frontier Markets across fixed income, currency, structured credit and equity asset classes. Brandon’s financial services experience started in 1993 in market research within NBS Corporate Bank where he was responsible for sectoral research and strategy, informing the lending operations of the bank. It was over this period that Brandon completed an advanced diploma in bank credit management. Following the merger between NBS Bank and BoE Bank, he joined BoE Bank Treasury in 1996 where he focused on currency dealing and interest rate arbitrage in the dollar/rand currency pair. From 2000 to 2003 Brandon managed the market risk of BoE Treasury, BoE Securities and the BoE Hedge Funds while completing his CFA. Following the merger between BoE Bank and Nedbank he was appointed Treasurer (Global) of Seaboard Overseas Limited (SOL), a NYSE listed multi-national commodity trading company. At SOL Brandon took overall responsibility for optimising the syndicated loan facilities and physical versus soft commodity hedging strategies using CBOT options and futures. In 2005 Brandon was offered a portfolio manager position at Metropolitan Asset Managers. There, Brandon was responsible for Liability Driven Investments of the Guaranteed Annuities products utilising nominal bonds, currency and interest rate derivatives in multi-asset investment strategies. He managed a portfolio with AUM in excess of R7.0bn (c. USD1bn). Brandon also managed an on-balance-sheet hedge fund for the Metropolitan Group from 2005 to 2011 with AUM in excess of R3Bln (c. USD0.5bln). Brandon then developed his business area to include multi-asset income enhancing strategies, growing an initial unit trust fund of R20m to R1.3bn in assets in just over 2 years. In the wake of the Momentum Life / Metropolitan Life merger in 2012, Brandon, a previous Metropolitan colleague and a group of investors bought a hedge fund company, renaming it Saffron Wealth (Pty) Ltd and relocated it to Stellenbosch from where it operates today. In 2013 Brandon won the Raging Bull Award for the best performing multi-asset income fund on a risk adjusted basis over 5 years. The company manages in excess of R2bn in assets in the Saffron Opportunity Income Fund, the Saffron Active Bond Fund, the Saffron Large Cap Equity Fund, the Saffron African Yield Opportunity Fund and the Saffron SCI HF1.
Anina Swiegers - 2018 2022
Biografia Anina has nearly seven years investment experience. After graduating in 2012, Anina joined the Saffron Graduate Program as a Trainee Investment Analyst. Anina holds a BComm Honours (cum laude) degree from the University of Stellenbosch and earned her Chartered Financial Analyst accreditation in 2017. Anina managed the Cash Management Function at Saffron while obtaining hands-on experience in a range of asset classes, funds and strategies managed by Saffron Wealth. In April 2017, Anina was appointed Key Individual for the Category 2A licence of Saffron Wealth and has since held the position of Assistant Fund Manager for the Saffron Opportunity Income Fund, the Saffron Active Bond Fund, the Saffron African Yield Opportunity Fund and the Saffron SCI HF1.
Deon van Zyl - 2012 2018
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