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Tcw Emerging Markets Income Fund Class Institutional (TGEIX)

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6,59 -0,00    0,00%
14/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 2,21B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  TCW
Tipo di investimento:  Obbligazione
TCW Emerging Markets Income I 6,59 -0,00 0,00%

TGEIX Panoramica

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Emerging Markets Bond

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Indirizzo 865 South Figueroa Street,Suite 1800
Los Angeles,CA 90017
United States
Telefono +1 213 2440000

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Christopher A Hays Portfolio Manager 2024 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Hays is a Co-Portfolio Manager, External Debt for the TCW Emerging Markets Group. Prior to joining TCW in 2016, he was a Vice President at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he worked in research as an Emerging Markets Corporate Credit Strategist. In that capacity, he was responsible for constructing the firm’s top-down views and forecasts for the global emerging markets corporate asset class. Chris graduated with a BA in Economics from Columbia University.
Jae H Lee Portfolio Manager 2024 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Lee is a Co-Portfolio Manager, Local Currency for the TCW Emerging Markets Group. Prior to joining TCW in 2015, Mr. Lee was a Director at Standard Chartered Bank in New York, where he oversaw Asian foreign exchange trading. Before Standard Chartered, he was Head of Local Markets Trading in Asia for Commerzbank. Jae started his career at Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he held FX and Rates trading positions in New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. Mr. Lee is a graduate of Georgetown University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in finance, as well as a master’s degree in international relations.
Alex Stanojevic Portfolio Manager 2017 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Stanojevic is a Portfolio Manager for the TCW Emerging Markets Group. Prior to this, he served as the team’s Head Trader, where he was responsible for trading emerging markets fixed income assets and determining relative value opportunities in the investable universe. Mr. Stanojevic joined TCW in 2005 from Coast Asset Management LP, where he was responsible for interest rate derivatives transactions, trade modeling, research, and performance reporting. Mr. Stanojevic received his BS in Finance from the California State University Long Beach (Magna Cum Laude), and an MBA from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.
Penelope D. Foley Group Managing Director 2009 Adesso
Biografia Ms. Foley is a Portfolio Manager for the TCW Emerging Markets Group and currently serves on the board of the TCW Group, Inc. She also serves as a member of TCW’s ESG Executive Committee as well as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce. Prior to joining TCW in 1990, Ms. Foley was a Senior Vice President of Drexel Burnham Lambert where she was involved in the management of DBL Americas Development Association, L.P. and in the provision of investment and merchant banking services in Latin America. Before Drexel, she was a Vice President in Citicorp’s Investment Bank and was responsible for Eurosecurities, project finance and private placements in Latin America and Canada. Previously, she was an Associate in the Corporate Finance Department at Lehman Brothers. Ms. Foley attended Northwestern University and holds a BA from Hollins College.
David I. Robbins Managing Director 2009 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Robbins is a Portfolio Manager for the TCW Emerging Markets Group. Prior to joining TCW in 2000, Mr. Robbins was with Lehman Brothers where he was responsible for global emerging markets trading in the Fixed Income division. Prior to that, he worked at Morgan Stanley from 1983-1997 where he was head of Emerging Markets Trading. Mr. Robbins received a BA in Economics and History from Swarthmore College.
Javier Segovia Managing Director 2009 2024
Biografia Mr. Segovia is a Co-Portfolio Manager of the TCW Emerging Markets Income Fund and Head of EM Corporate Credit Analysis for the TCW Emerging Markets Group. He joined TCW in 1995 and the Emerging Markets Group in 2002, where he specializes in the analysis of corporate credits in the sectors of banking and real estate. Previously, he was a Senior Analyst with the TCW International Equities and Emerging Markets Equities strategies, where he was last an assistant portfolio manager. Prior to joining TCW, he was an Equity Analyst for Valores Finamex International in New York, and SKBA Capital Management in San Francisco. Mr. Segovia has a BA in Accounting from the Catholic University of Asuncion and an MBA from the University of San Francisco. He is a CFA charterholder.
Luz M. Padilla Portfolio Manager 2001 2009
Biografia Ms. Padilla joined DoubleLine in 2009 as the Director of the Emerging Markets Group and is the lead Portfolio Manager. In addition, she is a permanent member of the Fixed Income Asset Allocation Committee. Prior to DoubleLine, Ms. Padilla was a Managing Director at TCW. She began working at TCW in 1994, where she served in a number of roles including Credit Analyst, Director of Research, Co-Portfolio Manager, and lead Portfolio Manager. Ms. Padilla was involved in all aspects of building and managing TCW's Emerging Markets Fixed Income business including credit, securitization, trading and marketing.
Sarah Pohlinger Portfolio Manager 2006 2007
Biografia Pohlinger is portfolio manager of SGAMI Management Company.
Nathan B. Sandler Co-Founder 1998 2006
Biografia Nathan Sandler is Co-Founder & Managing Partner of ICE Canyon. Prior to joining ICE Canyon, Mr. Sandler was Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager responsible for Emerging Markets and International Fixed Income at TCW (1994-2006). In his twelve years at TCW, Mr. sandler built a global investment business and long-term track record in total return and structured credit investment strategies. Prior to joining TCW, Mr. Sandler specialized in US government bond trading and arbitrage as a founding principal in a leveraged fixed income fund and as a Vice President at Security Pacific Bank. He began his career in Chicago working in institutional futures and options sales and derivatives products. Mr. Sandler holds a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Drake University.
Javier Baz Managing Director, CIO 1998 2002
Biografia Baz is managing director and chief investment officer with TCW Asset Management Company and Trust Company of the West, his employer since January 1994. Previously, he served as managing director of Merrill Lynch Capital Markets for the international emerging markets corporate finance group.
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