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🤓 Il 2025 inizia bene: 7 titoli scelti dall'IA sono in rialzo di oltre il 9%+ ciascuno
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Metodo di ricezione


 NomeSimbolo Ultimo Var. %Asset totaliOra
 Investment Solutions Performer Managed Fund A0P0000.2,409-0,31%4,96B08/01 
 Investment Solutions Property Equity Unit Trust Fu0P0000.2,967-1,47%1,4B08/01 
 Investment Solutions Strategic Global Balanced Fee0P0001.2,773+1,68%1,1B08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Fun0P0000.2,446-0,56%390,86M08/01 
 Investment Solutions Global Equity Feeder Fund0P0000.11,100+2,08%313,99M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Aggressive Passive Fu0P0001.1,601-0,32%270,24M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Aggressive Passive Fu0P0001.1,648-0,33%270,24M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Aggressive Passive Fu0P0001.1,656-0,33%270,24M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Conservative Passive 0P0001.1,361-0,15%204,09M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Conservative Passive 0P0001.1,353-0,15%204,09M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Conservative Passive 0P0001.1,336-0,15%204,09M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Equity Fund of Funds 0P0000.9,528-1,14%128,27M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Flexible Fund of Fund0P0001.2,333-0,05%72,31M08/01 
 Alexander Forbes Investments Flexible Fund of Fund0P0001.2,343-0,05%72,31M08/01 
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