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Abrdn Emerging Markets Fund Institutional Class (ABEMX)

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13,94 +0,24    +1,75%
14/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 501,46M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  Aberdeen
Sottostante:  MSCI EM Net USD
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Aberdeen Emerging Markets Instl 13,94 +0,24 +1,75%

ABEMX Panoramica

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Diversified Emerging Mkts

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Indirizzo 1 Bread Street
London,PA EC4M 9HH
United Kingdom
Telefono 866-667-9231

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Nick Robinson Senior Investment Director 2008 Adesso
Biografia Nick Robinson is a Senior Investment Director on the Global Emerging Markets Equity team at abrdn. Nick joined the company in 2000 and spent eight years on the North American Equities team, including three years based in the US offices. In 2008 he joined the Global Emerging Markets Equity team. Nick relocated to São Paulo in 2009 to start Aberdeen’s operations in Brazil. In 2016 he returned to London. Nick graduated with an MSc in Chemistry from Lincoln College, Oxford and is a CFA charterholder.
Devan Kaloo Head 2007 Adesso
Biografia Devan Kaloo is Head of Global Emerging Markets Equities for abrdn, taking up that position in 2005. He is also Global Head of Equities for the group. Devan joined the company in 2000 as part of the Asian equities team in Singapore, before later transferring to London. He started in fund management with Martin Currie in 1994 covering Latin America, before subsequently working with the North American equities, global asset allocation and eventually the Asian equities teams.
Kristy Fong Analyst 2007 2024
Biografia Kristy Fong is a Senior Investment Director on the Asian equities team. Kristy joined the company in 2004 from UOB KayHian Pte Ltd where she was an Analyst. Kristy graduated with a BA (Hons) in Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and is a CFA charterholder. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
Joanne Irvine Head 2007 2024
Biografia Joanne Irvine is Head ofEmerging Markets (ex-Asia) on the Global Emerging Markets Equity Team of Aberdeen Standard Investments. Ms. Irvine joined Legacy Aberdeen in 1996 in a group development role and moved to the Global Emerging Markets Equity Team in 1997. Prior to joining Legacy Aberdeen, Ms. Irvine was with Rutherford Manson Dowds (subsequently acquired by Deloitte), specializing in raising private equity and bank funding for private companies. Joanne has a BA in Accounting from Caledonian University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Hardie Caldwell LLP in Glasgow, Scotland.
Flavia Cheong Head 2009 2021
Biografia Flavia Cheong is the Head of Asia Pacific Equities on the Asian equities team, where, as well as sharing responsibility for company research, she oversees regional portfolio construction. Before joining the company in 1996, she was an economist with the Investment Company of the People’s Republic of China, and earlier with the Development Bank of Singapore. Flavia graduated with a BA in Economics and an MA (Hons) in Economics from the University of Auckland. She is a CFA Charterholder. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
Hugh Young Managing Director 2007 2021
Biografia Hugh Young is the Chairman for the abrdn business in Asia. He was previously the Head of Asia Pacific for Aberdeen Standard Investments, a main board director and Head of Investments for Aberdeen Asset Management (before its merger with Standard Life plc). Hugh joined the company in 1985 to manage Asian equities from London, having started his investment career in 1980. He founded the company's regional headquarters in Singapore in 1992. Hugh is a director of a number of group subsidiary companies and group-managed investment trusts and funds. Hugh graduated with a BA (Hons) in Politics from Exeter University.
Mark Gordon-James Portfolio Manager 2007 2020
Biografia Mark Gordon-James, CFA, is a Senior Investment Manager on the Global Emerging Markets Equity Team of Aberdeen Standard Investments. Mr. Gordon-James joined Legacy Aberdeen in 2004 from Merrill Lynch Investment Managers where he worked with the emerging markets team. Mark graduated with a BSc in Geography and Economics from the London School of Economics. Mark is a CFA Charterholder.
Fiona Manning Investment Director 2009 2016
Biografia Fiona Manning joined Premier Miton in August 2022 following 17 years at Aberdeen Standard Investments where she was Senior Investment Director and lead manager of the firm’s emerging market equity sustainable strategies, including the Emerging Markets Sustainable Equity Fund and the Emerging Markets Sustainable Development Equity Fund. Fiona also co-managed the firm’s emerging market equity strategies and, until 2016, the firm’s Latin American Equity strategies. Fiona started her career at Deutsche Asset Management in 2001. Fiona is a CFA Charterholder.
Peter Hames Head 2007 2010
Biografia Peter has principal responsibility for day-to-day management of all Asian regional portfolios. He has oversight of a team of nine on Asian ex-Japan equities, with a further 14 investment managers who provide local market input, as well as running specialist country portfolios from offices across the region. Peter joined Aberdeen in 1990 as a European investment manager and then transferred to the Asian equity desk, co-founding AAMAL’s office in 1992. Previously, Peter worked for the Guinness family as an investment manager specialising in overseas investment. Prior to that, Peter worked for National Westminster Bank. Peter graduated with a BA in Economics and Accounting from Bristol University.
Mark Butler Portfolio Manager 2007 2008
Biografia Mark has 12 years’ experience investing in emerging markets. Prior to joining Coronation’s emerging markets unit in 2008, he was based in London where he spent eight years with Aberdeen Asset Management (Feb 2000) as a senior portfolio manager and two with Baring Asset Management (1997) as an investment analyst. He qualified as a chartered accountant serving his training contract with Deloitte’s in Johannesburg. Butler was a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals. He qualified as a chartered accountant (South Africa) in 1996 and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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