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Fssa Asian Equity Plus Fund Class I (distributing) Usd (0P00008EPN)

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55,276 -0,480    -0,86%
13/03 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 5,44B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Irlanda
Emittente:  First State Investments (Hong Kong) Ltd
ISIN:  IE0032834883 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
First State Asian Equity Plus Fund Class I (Distri 55,276 -0,480 -0,86%

0P00008EPN Panoramica

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Azionari Asia-Pacifico ex Giappone

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Indirizzo First Sentier Investors (Ireland) Limited
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Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Rizi Mohanty - 2024 Adesso
Biografia Rizi Mohanty is a Portfolio Manager at FSSA Investment Managers, part of First Sentier Investors. Rizi joined FSSA Investment Managers in 2016 and focuses on the Southeast Asian markets in particular and Asia ex-Japan equities in general.  He is the lead manager of the FSSA ASEAN strategy and the co-manager of the FSSA Asia Focus, FSSA Asian Growth and FSSA Asia Opportunities strategies. Rizi has more than 10 years of investment experience. He graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur.
Martin Lau Director 2003 Adesso
Biografia Martin Lau is a Managing Partner of FSSA Investment Managers, part of First Sentier Investors. He has been with the team for more than 20 years, starting with the firm as Director, Greater China Equities, in 2002. Martin is the lead fund manager of a number of FSSA strategies: the FSSA Asian Equity Plus strategy, the FSSA Asian Bridge strategy, the FSSA Asia All Cap strategy, the FSSA China Growth strategy, the FSSA Greater China Growth strategy and the FSSA Hong Kong Growth strategy. Martin has more than 25 years of investment experience and is based in Hong Kong. He graduated from Cambridge University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master’s degree in Engineering. Martin is also a CFA charterholder.
Richard Jones - 2011 2025
Biografia Richard Jones is a Director of FSSA Investment Managers, part of First Sentier Investors. He joined FSSA Investment Managers in 2010 and is focused on Asia Pacific equities. Richard is the lead manager of the FSSA Asia Opportunities strategy and the FSSA Asian Growth strategy. He is also responsible for managing a number of Asia Pacific equity portfolios on behalf of key client segregated accounts. Richard has more than 35 years of investment experience in Asia, focused on both company research and portfolio management. He graduated from the London School of Economics with a degree in Economics (Government).
Sophia Li - 2019 2024
Biografia Sophia Li is a Portfolio Manager at FSSA Investment Managers, part of First Sentier Investors. She joined FSSA Investment Managers as a graduate in 2009 and has developed extensive coverage of the companies in North Asia. Sophia manages the team’s Japan equity strategies and is the lead manager of the FSSA Japan Equity strategy and the FSSA Japan Focus strategy. Sophia holds a Master’s degree in Statistics from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science degree from Fudan University. She is also a CFA charterholder.
Angus Tulloch Joint Managing Partner 2003 2013
Biografia Angus Tulloch is Joint Managing Partner of the Asia Pacific/ Global Emerging Markets equity team at First State Investments. Angus’ primary focus is stock selection and portfolio construction. Graduating from Cambridge University in 1970 with a BA (Honours) in Economics and History, Angus worked with Chartered Accountants Whinney Murray (now Ernst & Young) for four years. He then gained substantial industry experience in corporate planning and finance roles with various national companies before joining London stockbrokers Cazenove & Co in 1980. Specialising mainly in Far Eastern markets, Angus spent three of the next eight years with this firm based in Hong Kong as a regional analyst before assuming a fund management role in its London office. In 1988 he returned to Scotland, joining Stewart Ivory (subsequently bought by First State Investments) to establish an Asia Pacific and Emerging Markets capability. Since then, Angus and his team have won many industry awards.
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