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Barings Emerging Markets Umbrella Fund - Barings Global Emerging Markets Fund Class I Gbp Acc (0P0000SV4V)

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39,550 -0,230    -0,58%
13/03 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in GBP
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 503,39M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Gran Bretagna
Emittente:  Baring International Fund Mgrs (Ireland)
ISIN:  IE00B67GCC88 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Baring Global Emerging Markets Fund - Class I GBP 39,550 -0,230 -0,58%

0P0000SV4V Panoramica

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Telefono +44 (0)207 628 6000

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Michael Levy Co-Head of Emerging Equities Team 2016 Adesso
Biografia Michael is an Investment Manager in the EMEA & Global Frontier Markets Equity Team and is the lead manager for the Baring Russia Fund and Baring Frontier Markets Fund. He joined Barings in July 2012 after 17 years at AllianceBernstein where he held a number of equity portfolio management and research roles. His most recent responsibility before joining Barings was Portfolio Manager for Emerging and International equity portfolios. Michael began his career in 1992 at Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants as a Partner Trainee. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics and Social Studies from the University of Manchester.
William Palmer Managing Director 2014 Adesso
Biografia Mr. Palmer is a Managing Director and Co-Head for Emerging and Frontier Equities Team. He is responsible for and oversees Baring's Asia ex Japan investment function. Prior to joining Barings in October 2011, he was Senior Asset Manager/Head of Asia ex Japan Equities at KBC Asset Management in Dublin. During his time at KBC Asset Management, he also held the roles of Asset Manager focusing on Asia ex Japan Equities and Equity Analyst responsible for producing equity research on Irish and Asian companies. William has an honours degree in Business Studies, majoring in Economics and Finance from the University of Limerick.
Isabelle Irish Latin America Portfolio Manager 2014 Adesso
Biografia Isabelle Irish joined Barings in June 2013 as an Investment Manager in the Global Emerging Markets Equity Team and is co-manager on a number of strategies, including Barings’ flagship Global Emerging Markets Fund. Prior to joining Barings, Isabelle spent eight years at Pictet Asset Management, initially as an analyst in the Global Emerging Markets Team before moving to her most recent role as Latin America Portfolio Manager. Isabelle has a First Class Honours Degree in Mathematics with French from the University of Birmingham, she passed the IMC examinations in 2005 and was awarded the CFA designation in 2009. Isabelle is fluent in French.
Jean-Louis Scandella - 2015 2016
Biografia Jean-Louis Scandella joined Barings in May 2014 as Head of Equities. He is responsible for overseeing adherence to Barings equity investment philosophy and process and delivering performance across our equity product range. Jean-Louis also has leadership responsibility for the Global Emerging Markets (GEMS) desk and is co-manager on a number of our mandates, including Barings’ flagship Global Emerging Markets Fund. Jean-Louis is also a member of the Investment Committee and leads the panels for the best ideas lists, including the GEMS panel. Jean-Louis joined Barings from Comgest where, for nine years, he was one of three senior investors responsible for leading the global emerging markets investment team and directly overseeing close to US$10 billion of assets. Jean-Louis also worked at Societe Generale Emerging Markets for ten years, initially as an analyst before becoming a Founding Director. Jean-Louis holds a University Diploma from the l’Institute d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and a Master’s Degree in German Literature from the University of Paris Sorbonne. Jean-Louis speaks fluent French, German and Italian and also speaks Russian.
Staffan Lindfeldt - 2013 2015
Biografia Staffan Lindfeldt is the portfolio manager of the Strategic Emerging Markets Fund. Mr. Lindfeldt is Head of Baring Asset Management’s Global Emerging Markets Equity Team. He joined Baring Asset Management in June 2013. Previously, Mr. Lindfeldt worked at Handelsbanken Asset Management in Stockholm where he spent thirteen years in a variety of roles within Emerging Markets, most recently as Chief Portfolio Manager of the Global Emerging Markets Team.
William Palmer Managing Director 2011 2013
Biografia Mr. Palmer is a Managing Director and Co-Head for Emerging and Frontier Equities Team. He is responsible for and oversees Baring's Asia ex Japan investment function. Prior to joining Barings in October 2011, he was Senior Asset Manager/Head of Asia ex Japan Equities at KBC Asset Management in Dublin. During his time at KBC Asset Management, he also held the roles of Asset Manager focusing on Asia ex Japan Equities and Equity Analyst responsible for producing equity research on Irish and Asian companies. William has an honours degree in Business Studies, majoring in Economics and Finance from the University of Limerick.
Roberto Lampl - 2011 2013
Paul Wimborne Investment Manager 2006 2011
Biografia Paul Wimborne is Senior Fund Manager for the JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Strategy. Prior to joining JOHCM, Paul spent over four years at Baring Asset Management (Baring) as an Investment Manager in the Global Emerging Markets team led by James Syme. At Baring, Paul was Lead or Deputy Manager for 14 emerging markets mandates with a peak AUM of over $4bn. He previously worked at Insight Investment for three years as a Fund Manager in the Emerging Markets & Asia team and for five years in the Emerging Markets team at Rothschild Asset Management. Paul holds a BSc (Hons) in Management and Chemical Sciences from UMIST and is an affiliate member of the CFA.
James Syme Senior Fund Manager 2006 2011
Biografia James Syme is Senior Fund Manager for the JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities Strategy. Prior to joining JOHCM, James spent five years at Baring Asset Management (Baring) as the Head of Global Emerging Market Equities. At Baring, he and his colleague Paul Wimborne managed the Baring Global Emerging Markets Fund and 13 other funds and separate mandates. During this time, peak AUM for their mandates was over $4bn. James previously worked at SG Asset Management for seven years as a Portfolio Manager and as Head of Global Emerging Markets. Prior to 1997, James was a Portfolio Manager at Henderson Investors and an Analyst at H Clarkson. James is a CFA Charterholder and holds a BA (Hons) in Geography from the University of Cambridge.
Ghadir Abu Leil-Cooper Portfolio Manager 2006 2006
Biografia Dr. Abu Leil-Cooper has over 15 years of investment experience. She joined Baring Asset Management in 1997 and has been managing the Excel Emerging Europe Fund since 2007. Barings has been managing assets since 1982.
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