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Morgan Stanley Funds (uk) Global Brands Fund A Accumulation Acc (0P00000ML6)

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Morgan Stanley Funds UK Global Brands Fund A Accum dati storici, per dati in tempo reale per favore prova con un'altra ricerca.
89,62 -0,36    -0,40%
05/11 - Chiuso. Valuta in GBP ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 1,26B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Gran Bretagna
Emittente:  Morgan Stanley Investment Management (ACD) Limited
ISIN:  GB0032482506 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Morgan Stanley Funds UK Global Brands Fund A Accum 89,62 -0,36 -0,40%

0P00000ML6 Panoramica

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Indirizzo 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf
London, E14 4QA
United Kingdom
Telefono +(44 20) 7425 8000
Fax +(44 20) 7425 8990

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Alex Gabriele Portfolio Manager 2017 Adesso
Biografia Alex is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley from Sloane Robinson LLP in 2012 and has ten years of investment experience. Prior to joining the team, Alex was responsible for stock selection across the cyclical universe, predominantly in Asia ex-Japan. Alex holds a B.A in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge.
Richard Perrott Portfolio Manager 2017 Adesso
Biografia Richard is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2015 and has 13 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the team, Richard was an equity research analyst at Autonomous Research covering specialty financials. Before that Richard covered financials at Berenberg Bank and financials and healthcare at Sanford Bernstein. Richard received an M.A in Mathematics and Philosophy from St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Richard is a trustee of Shrewsbury House Community Association.
Nathan Wong - 2017 Adesso
Biografia Nathan is a portfolio manager on the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in July 2017 and has 19 years of investment experience. Prior to joining the team, Nathan was a Partner/Senior Analyst and developed markets equities generalist at Sloane Robinson. Prior to that he worked in equity research in Merrill Lynch’s Specialty Finance team and before that he qualified as a chartered accountant with Deloitte. He holds a BSc in Mathematics from Imperial College with 1st Class Honours, receiving the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications prize in his final year.
Nic Sochovsky Portfolio Manager 2016 Adesso
Biografia Nic is a portfolio manager for the London based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2015 and has 21 years of industry experience. Prior to joining the team, Nic worked for Credit Suisse within a top industry ranked consumer staples team covering Food manufacturing, HPC, beverages and tobacco. Before that he headed the consumer research team at Unicredit and was a senior analyst at Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers covering pan-European Food manufacturing and HPC. Nic received a B.A. in Economics from Sheffield University. Nic is a longtime supporter of Place 2Be, the leading national children’s mental health charity.
Marcus Watson Senior Associate 2013 Adesso
Biografia Marcus is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2008 and has eight years of investment experience. Marcus received a B.Sc in psychology from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Bruno Paulson Managing Director 2009 Adesso
Biografia Bruno is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2009. Prior to joining the firm, Bruno worked for Sanford Bernstein in London, where he was a Senior Analyst covering the financial sector for eight years. Previously, he was a manager at the Boston Consulting Group where he focused on the financial services industry. Bruno has an MBA from INSEAD where he received the Ford Prize for graduating top of class. He was also a Research Fellow in Political Economy at Nuffield College, Oxford, and received a B.A. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics with 1st Class Honors from Keble College, Oxford. Bruno was a parent-founder of The Rise School, a free school for children with high-functioning autism. He is a governor at Kensington Aldridge Academy, where he chairs the Business Committee.
Vladimir A. Demine Portfolio Manager 2009 Adesso
Biografia Vladimir is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2009 and has 14 years of investment management experience. Prior to joining the firm, Vladimir worked for UBS Global Asset Management in London, where he was an analyst responsible for stock selection of consumer staples holdings in key client mandates. Vladimir received a M.Sc. in investment management with Distinction from City University (CASS) Business School and a Master?s in finance with Distinction from St Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.
Dirk Hoffmann-Becking Portfolio Manager 2009 Adesso
Biografia Dirk is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2013 and has 13 years of investment experience. Prior to joining the firm, Dirk worked for Soci?t? G?n?rale as Global Head of Bank Sector Research. Previously, was a senior research analyst covering European Banks at Sanford Bernstein. Prior to that, Dirk spent five years as a consultant for McKinsey & Company and three years as a strategy manager at ABN Amro. Dirk has a Ph.D. in Law (magna cum laude) from Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany and trained and worked as a lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.
William D. Lock Managing Director 2009 Adesso
Biografia William is a portfolio manager and head of the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1994 and has 27 years of investment experience. Prior to joining the firm, he worked at Credit Suisse First Boston’s Corporate Finance Group, and was a management consultant with Arthur D. Little. William received a B.A. in modern history from Keble College, Oxford. William is a longstanding sponsor of the creative arts, including Glyndebourne Opera.
Christian Derold Executive Director 2009 2017
Biografia Christian is a portfolio manager for the London-based International Equity team. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2006. Prior to joining the firm, Christian was director of research at Millgate Capital. Prior to this, he worked at the State of Wisconsin Investment Board where he managed the Board’s international equity portfolio. Christian received an M.A. in business administration from the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, Austria.
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