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First Eagle Amundi Income Builder Fund Class Iu-qd Shares (0P000148JE)

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933,830 -5,150    -0,55%
08/10 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 1,66B
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  Amundi Luxembourg S.A.
ISIN:  LU1095741473 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
First Eagle Amundi Income Builder Fund Class IU QD 933,830 -5,150 -0,55%

0P000148JE Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su First Eagle Amundi Income Builder Fund Class Iu-qd Shares. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di 0P000148JE, ed altre informazioni.

Bilanciati Moderati USD

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Strategia di investimento

L’obiettivo del Comparto è offrire un rendimento regolare coerente con una crescita del capitale a lungo termine. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, il Comparto applicherà un processo d’investimento basato sull’analisi fondamentale (metodo di valutazione del “valore intrinseco” di un titolo esaminando i fattori economici, finanziari, qualitativi e quantitativi correlati). Il Comparto seguirà un approccio di tipo “value”, con l’obiettivo di acquistare titoli con uno sconto rispetto al loro valore intrinseco. Il Comparto cercherà di allocare l’80% circa dei suoi attivi in valori trasferibili capaci di generare rendimento e strumenti quali azioni, strumenti legati ad azioni (come azioni e strumenti finanziari che replicano o che siano basati su un'azione) e obbligazioni o altri investimenti a reddito fisso in grado di offrire rendimenti attraenti rispetto al loro livello di rischio.

Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo L-2520 Luxembourg
Luxembourg, 2520
Telefono +352 47 676667

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Idanna Appio - 2021 Adesso
Biografia Idanna Appio joined the First Eagle in September 2015. Prior to that, Ms. Appio was the deputy head of the Global Economic Analysis department at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Prior to the NY Fed, she was a sovereign analyst at Brown Brothers Harriman.
Julien Albertini - 2019 Adesso
Biografia Julien Albertini is portfolio manager of the Global Value, Global Equity, Global Income Builder and US Dividend Equity strategies, as well as a senior research analyst on the Global Value team covering beverages, healthcare and commercial services. Prior to joining First Eagle in April 2013, Julien worked as a global equity research analyst for Tiger Veda LP, a long/short equity hedge fund based in New York. Previously, he was a research analyst with Generation Investment Management in London. Julien began his career in 2003 in the investment banking division of Banque Rothschild in Paris subsequently spent four years with Morgan Stanley in London. He earned a master’s degree from ESSEC in Paris and an MBA from Columbia Business School, where he was part of the Value Investing Program. He is fluent in French.
Kimball Brooker Portfolio Manager 2016 Adesso
Biografia Kimball Brooker is co-head of the Global Value team and portfolio manager of the Global Value, Global Equity, International Value, International Equity, US Value and Global Income Builder strategies. He is also a senior research analyst covering banks, financial services and holding companies. Prior to joining First Eagle in January 2009, Kimball was chief investment officer of Corsair Capital, a multi-billion-dollar private equity firm spun off from J.P. Morgan. Kimball began at Corsair in 1994, when he joined J.P. Morgan as an associate in the investment banking department’s private equity group. Kimball launched his career in 1992 as a financial analyst at Lazard Frères & Co. He earned a BA from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard University.
Edward B. Meigs Portfolio Manager for High Yield 2014 Adesso
Biografia Edward Meigs is portfolio manager of the High Yield and Global Income Builder strategies. He joined First Eagle in October 2011 when it acquired the Dwight High Yield strategy from Dwight Asset Management Company LLC. Prior to his 10 years at Dwight, Ed spent four years at Mount Washington Investment Group as a high yield portfolio manager and before that served as vice president at Falcon Asset Management. He began his career at Wheat First as a credit analyst. Ed earned an AB in economics with a math minor from Occidental College and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, and he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Sean M. Slein Portfolio Manager for High Yield 2014 Adesso
Biografia Sean Slein is portfolio manager of the High Yield and Global Income Builder strategies. He joined First Eagle in October 2011 when it acquired the Dwight High Yield strategy from Dwight Asset Management Company LLC. Prior to his 10 years at Dwight, Sean spent two years as a fixed income analyst in the private placement department of Allstate Insurance Company. He began his career on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange as an options strategist with Discount Corporation of New York Futures. Sean earned a BBA in finance and economics from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of Chicago, and he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Robert Hordon Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
Biografia Robert Hordon joined JOHCM in October 2017. Robert is a Senior Fund Manager for JOHCM's Multi Asset Value team. Prior to joining JOHCM, he was most recently a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst with First Eagle Investment Management where he co-managed the First Eagle Global Income Builder Fund and the First Eagle Amundi Income Builder Fund. Robert joined First Eagle in 2001 as a Risk Arbitrage Analyst, moving to the firm’s Global Value team in 2008 as a Research Analyst. Before graduate school, he was an Equity Research Analyst with Credit Suisse First Boston. Robert holds a BA in Politics from Princeton University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Giorgio Caputo Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
Biografia Giorgio Caputo joined JOHCM in August 2017. Giorgio is a Senior Fund Manager and Head of JOHCM's Multi-Asset Value team. Prior to joining JOHCM, he was most recently a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst with First Eagle Investment Management. Giorgio joined First Eagle in September 2009 as a Research Analyst and member of the firm’s Global Value Team. Prior to First Eagle, Giorgio was a Managing Director and Industry Generalist Investment Analyst at JANA Partners LLC, and an Investment Banking Associate at Credit Suisse First Boston. Before graduate school, he was a Quantitative Strategist and the Interest Rate Trader for the Equity Derivatives Group at Lehman Brothers. He has a BS in Operations Research, with minors in German Literature, Italian Literature and Applied and Computational Mathematics, from Princeton University, as well as an MBA in Finance with Honours from Columbia Business School. Giorgio speaks fluent German and Italian.
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