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Banche Centrali Mondiali

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Banca del Portogallo

The Banco de Portugal, today an integral part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) operates in an international and, mostly, European environment marked by the...

0,0%  Portogallo
Banca Centrale del Qatar (QCB)

The Qatar Central Bank was originally the Qatar Monetary Agency, founded in 1971 when that country separated from the United Arab Emirates and disengaged itself from...

2,0%  Qatar
Banca Nazionale Ceca (CNB)

The Czech National Bank is the central bank of the Czech Republic and the supervisor of the Czech financial market. In accordance with its primary objective, the CNB sets...

7,00%  Repubblica Ceca
Banca Centrale della Repubblica Domenicana

The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic was created on October 9th, 1947. It commenced operations on October 23rd of the same year, serving as a decentralized and...

3,0%  Repubblica Domenicana
Banca Nazionale della Romania (NBR)

The National Bank of Romania is the central bank of Romania. NBR is an independent public institution, with its headquarters in Bucharest. Its primary objective is to...

6,50%  Romania
Banca Nazionale del Ruanda (NBR)

The National Bank of Rwanda is the central bank of Rwanda. The bank was founded in 1964 and is quartered in Kigali; it operates Rwanda's principal securities exchange,...

4,5%  Ruanda
Banca Centrale della Federazione Russa (CBR)

Le funzioni della Banca Centrale della Federazione russa sono descritte nella costituzione russa (Articolo 75) e nella speciale legge Federale. Secondo la costituzione,...

21,00%  Russia
Banca Centrale delle Samoa (CBS)

The Central Bank of Samoa is the nation's reserve bank and, as such, it acts as banker to the Government and the commercial banks. The Central Bank undertakes the...

5%  Samoa
Banca Centrale della Repubblica di San Marino (BCSM)

The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino was established through a combination between the Istituto di Credito Sammarinese (a body with public and private...

0%  San Marino
Banca Centrale di São Tomé e Príncipe (BCSTP)

At independence in 1975, the government converted the local branch of the Portuguese colonial bank, Banco Nacional Ultramarino, into the National Bank of São Tomé and...

15,0%  Sao Tome e Principe
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