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Nome | Tasso Attuale | Paese | |
Federal Reserve
Il Federal Reserve System è la banca centrale degli Stati Uniti. È stata creata nel 1913 con il Federal Reserve Act, dopo il panico finanziario, il cosiddetto bank run,... |
4,50% | Stati Uniti | |
Banca Centrale del Sud Africa
The South African Reserve Bank is the central bank of South Africa. It was established in 1921 after Parliament passed an act, the "Currency and Bank Act of 10 August... |
7,75% | Sud Africa | |
Banca del Sudan
Bank of Sudan is the central bank of the Sudan. The bank was formed in 1960, four years after Sudan's independence. In addition to the normal duties of a central bank,... |
0% | Sudan | |
Banca Centrale del Suriname
The Central Bank of Suriname is Suriname's highest monetary authority and the country's governing body in monetary and economic affairs. It was established on 1st of... |
0% | Suriname | |
Banca di Svezia
La Sveriges Riksbank è la banca centrale svedese ed è un’autorità pubblica sotto il controllo del Riksdag, il parlamento svedese. La Riksbank è responsabile della... |
2,50% | Svezia | |
Banca Nazionale Svizzera
La Banca Nazionale Svizzera (SBN) è la banca centrale elvetica. È responsabile della politica monetaria del paese e dell’emissione delle banconote di franchi svizzeri. La... |
0,50% | Svizzera | |
Banca Centrale dello Swaziland
he Central Bank of Swaziland is the central bank of Swaziland. It was established in 1974 and is based in Mbabane. The bank's mission is to promote monetary stability and... |
3,75% | Swaziland | |
Banca della Tailandia
The Bank of Thailand was first set up as the Thai National Banking Bureau. The Bank of Thailand Act was promulgated on 28 April 1942 vesting upon the Bank of Thailand the... |
2,25% | Tailandia | |
Banca Centrale della Repubblica Cinese (Taiwan)
According to the Central Bank of China Act, the Bank's operational objectives include promoting financial stability, ensuring sound banking operations, maintaining the... |
2,000% | Taiwan | |
Banca Nazionale del Tagikistan
The National Bank of Tajikistan is central issuance reserve bank of the Republic of Tajikistan and it is ownership of the Republic of Tajikistan. The National Bank of... |
13,0% | Tajikistan |