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Alger Sicav - Alger American Asset Growth Fund Class A Us (0P00000HUM)

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159,200 -3,470    -2,13%
13/03 - Chiuso. Valuta in USD
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 484,7M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Lussemburgo
Emittente:  Alger
ISIN:  LU0070176184 
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Alger SICAV - Alger American Asset Growth Fund Cla 159,200 -3,470 -2,13%

0P00000HUM Panoramica

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Azionari USA Large Cap Growth

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Il Fondo mira a conseguire l'apprezzamento del capitale nel lungo termine. Il Fondo investe almeno due terzi del proprio patrimonio netto, escluse le attività liquide, in azioni o titoli legati ad azioni di società di qualsiasi dimensione che dimostrino un promettente potenziale di crescita e i cui titoli siano quotati o negoziati su una borsa valori statunitense.

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London, W1K 5EF
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Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Ankur Crawford Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager 2012 Adesso
Biografia Dr. Ankur Crawford is Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager of the Alger Capital Appreciation, Alger Focus Equity, and Alger Spectra Strategies and launched the Alger Concentrated Equity Strategy in 2024. She joined Alger in September 2004 and has 20 years of investment experience. Ankur began her career at Alger as a Research Associate and successfully completed Alger’s in-house analyst training program. Over the next several years, Ankur was promoted to Associate Analyst, Analyst, and, ultimately, Senior Analyst. She was named portfolio manager of the Alger Mid Cap Growth strategies in 2010 and promoted to Head of the Technology sector team in January 2013 (until April 2016). In 2015, Ankur was added as a portfolio manager of the Alger Capital Appreciation, Alger Focus Equity and Alger Spectra strategies and is a member of The Alger Partners Plan. During her tenure at Alger, she has been featured and quoted in InvestmentNews, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox News. In 2022, Ankur was named a “See It, Be It Role Model” by InvestmentNews as part of their Excellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards. In 2020, Ankur was recognized as a “Top Women in Asset Management” honoree by Money Management Executive. Ankur was elected to the board of The Knowledge House, a Bronx-based charity with the mission of teaching underprivileged communities a skill set in technology that enables them to enter the “gig” economy. Ankur was awarded a fellowship from the prestigious Intel PhD Fellowship Program and worked as an engineer with Intel. She holds several U.S. patents and was also awarded a fellowship from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Ankur earned a B.S. in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and also received an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University.
Daniel C. Chung CEO, CIO, Portfolio Manager 2012 Adesso
Biografia Dan Chung, CFA is Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager of several Alger strategies. Dan joined Alger in 1994 and has 27 years of investment experience. He was named Chief Investment Officer in September 2001, President in 2003, and CEO in 2006. Dan is also a member of The Alger Partners Plan. Throughout his tenure at Alger, he has made numerous TV appearances on Bloomberg, CNBC, and Fox Business. Dan has also been featured and quoted frequently in Barron’s, Citywire, Forbes, Investment News, Pensions & Investments, and USA Today. Prior to joining Alger, Dan was an associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP in New York City in 1989 while he earned an LL.M. from New York University. He earned his J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1987, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. After graduating, he served as law clerk for the Honorable Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, United States Supreme Court. Dan graduated from Stanford University with B.A. and B.S. degrees, with Distinction and Phi Beta Kappa, in 1984. Dan is also a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute. Dan currently serves as a board trustee and former chairman of The Nature Conservancy in the State of New York and is a Global Campaign Committee Member of The Nature Conservancy. He is also actively involved with the Stanford in New York Internship Program, and frequently contributes to and supports various charitable organizations including the Harlem Education Activities Fund (HEAF) and Target Margin Theater.
Patrick Kelly EVP, Portfolio Manager, Head of Capital Appreciation & Spectra Strategies 1999 Adesso
Biografia Patrick Kelly is Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager and Head of Alger Capital Appreciation, and Spectra Strategies, which includes Alger Focus Equity. He joined Alger in 1999 and has 27 years of investment experience. He began his career at Alger as a Research Associate and completed Alger’s in-house analyst training program. In early 2001, Patrick was promoted to Associate Analyst and Assistant Vice President, and then ultimately Senior Analyst, responsible for the Technology sector. Patrick was named Portfolio Manager of the Alger Capital Appreciation and Alger Spectra Strategies in 2004, was named Head of Alger Capital Appreciation and Alger Spectra Strategies in 2015 and in 2024 launched the Alger AI Enablers & Adopters Strategy. Additionally, Patrick is a member of The Alger Partners Plan. During his tenure at Alger, he has been featured and quoted in a number of publications such as: Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Citywire, Bloomberg, and Fortune. Prior to joining Alger, Patrick was an investment banking analyst with SG Cowen. He earned his B.S from Georgetown University where he graduated with honors. Patrick is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute.
David D. Alger executive vice president/director 1996 2002
Biografia Alger has been employed by Alger Management as executive vice president and director of research since 1971 and later president since 1995. Previously, he spent two years as a special situations analyst with Lombard, Vitalis, Paganucci & Nelson, and one year as a securities analyst with Irving Trust Company.
Seilai Khoo Senior Vice President and portfolio manager 1996 2002
Biografia Khoo is senior vice president and portfolio manager with Fred Alger Asset Management. Prior to joining the firm, she served as a securities analyst with RHO Management and a financial analyst for Refco. Khoo holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
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