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Allspring Small Company Growth Fund - Class R6 (WSCRX)

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39,19 -0,40    -1,01%
25/09 - Dati in Ritardo. Valuta in USD ( Responsabilità )
  • Rating di Morningstar:
  • Asset totali: 163,43M
Tipologia:  Fondo
Mercato:  Stati Uniti
Emittente:  Wells Fargo Funds
Tipo di investimento:  Azione
Wells Fargo Small Company Growth R6 39,19 -0,40 -1,01%

WSCRX Panoramica

Su questa pagina troverai un profilo dettagliato su Allspring Small Company Growth Fund - Class R6. Scopri di più su gestione, asset totali, strategie di investimento e informazioni di contatto di WSCRX, ed altre informazioni.

Small Growth

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Informazioni di contatto

Indirizzo 1415 Vantage Park Drive, 3rd Floor
Charlotte,NC 28203
United States
Telefono 1-833-568-4255

Vertici Esecutivo

Nome Titolo Dal Fino a
Allison J Lewis Equity Analyst 2023 Adesso
Biografia Allison serves as a Senior Equity Analyst and offers 12 years of experience working in a variety of investment-related roles. Prior to joining Peregrine, she was a Research Analyst at Marsico Capital Management where she supported five long only growth strategies. Previously, she was a Senior Equity Analyst at Invesco, responsible for research on a variety of sectors including Health Care, Technology and Consumer. She started her career at J.P. Morgan Chase & Company where she worked within the Investment Solutions business of the Private Bank. Allison has her BBA from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business and her MBA from the University of Wisconsin’s Applied Securities Analysis Program. She is a member of the CFA Institute.
Ryan H. Smith Portfolio Manager 2021 Adesso
Biografia Ryan is a Associate Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Ryan joined Peregrine’s Small Cap Growth team in 2018. Prior to joining Peregrine, Ryan was a portfolio manager and an analyst on the small, SMID and mid cap growth strategies at RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) for more than 10 years. Previously, he was an Equity Research Associate at William Blair & Company. He began his career at Ernst & Young. Ryan received his B.S. from Lehigh University and M.S. in Accountancy from the University of Notre Dame. He is a member of the CFA Society of Chicago, the CFA Institute and is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive).
Samuel D. Smith Portfolio Manager 2021 Adesso
Biografia Sam is an Associate Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Upon graduation from the University of St. Thomas, Sam joined Peregrine in 2006 as a Portfolio Assistant. Sam is a member of the CFA Institute and a former board member of the CFA Society Minnesota, where he chaired the Advocacy and Public Awareness Committee.
William A. Grierson Portfolio Manager 2005 Adesso
Biografia Bill is a Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Bill joined Peregrine’s Small Cap Growth team in 2000 as a Securities Analyst. He is a member of Peregrine's Board of Directors. Prior to Peregrine, he was a Senior Research Analyst & Portfolio Manager with Kopp Investment Advisors for more than six years. Previously, he worked as a Reporting Analyst for Northern Trust. He graduated from Lawrence University in 1992. Bill is a member of the CFA Society of Minnesota and the CFA Institute.
Paul E. von Kuster Principal 1994 Adesso
Biografia Paul is a Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Paul has been with the firm since its inception in 1984. He is a member of Peregrine's Board of Directors. Prior to Peregrine, Paul managed small cap funds for the Trust Department at Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. (now Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.). He began his career with Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. in 1972 after graduating from Princeton. Paul is a member of the CFA Society of Minnesota and the CFA Institute.
Daniel J. Hagen Principal 2003 2023
Biografia Dan is a Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Dan joined Peregrine’s Small Cap Growth team in 1996 as a Research Analyst. He is a member of Peregrine's Board of Directors. Prior to Peregrine, Dan was a Managing Director and Assistant Manager for the Equity Strategy Group at Piper Jaffray. He joined Piper Jaffray as a Statistical Analyst in 1983, upon graduating from the University of Minnesota. Dan is a member of the CFA Society of Minnesota and the CFA Institute and a past board member of the Piper Jaffray Foundation. He regularly shares his financial expertise with a number of nonprofit organizations.
James P. Ross Senior Portfolio Advisor 2005 2019
Biografia Jim is a Portfolio Manager for the Small Cap Growth style and shares the responsibility for fundamental research, stock selection and portfolio management with his team. Jim joined Peregrine’s Small Cap Growth team in 1996 as a Senior Portfolio Advisor. Before coming to Peregrine, Jim spent six years at Norwest Investment Management (now Wells Capital Management), where he held various positions, including Chief Investment Officer and Product Manager for the Norwest Advantage Funds. He was also responsible for the analysis and oversight of the corporation’s benefit plans. He started his career working as a Treasury Analyst at Ecolab, Inc. Jim holds a BBA and an MBA from the University of Iowa, and he is a member of the CFA Society of Minnesota and the CFA Institute.
Robert B. Mersky Principal 1994 2015
Biografia As an advisor to the team, Bob participates in team portfolio vetting discussions and the portfolio construction process. A founding member of Peregrine, he has been with the firm since its inception in 1984. Prior to Peregrine, Bob served in a variety of roles within Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. (now Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.), including Head of Investments for the Trust Department and Director of Research. He was a founder of the Small Cap Growth style in 1974. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1968. Bob is a member of the CFA Institute.
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